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About Lucithella

  • Birthday 09/06/1996

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  • Career
    Professional doodler
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  • Occupation
    Cringy YouTuber

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  1. i can confirm that you don't need to catch heracross, nor do you need to bring it. i never brought a heracross or caught one. you just need to win 3 times; however, i do not know if it must be consecutively. but, i did win 3 days in a row and got it. thank you to everyone who shared their info! :D [spoiler=proof]
  2. i was extremely confused to see what i thought was my own screenshot (because i saw my name & i took this exact same pic for a friend) and just had an existential crisis for a second, thinking: "when did i post this here? how could i not remember? am i going insane??" and then i looked at the rest of your post and realized that i just accidentally photobombed your screenie while taking my own screenie and i'm just dumb, lmao. anyways: i have no new information to offer except that i can confirm defeating bugsy on hard mode yields no mega stone, sadly. though, i did hear someone say that heracrossite was in leev town, but i searched around and found nothing. maybe i'm just a bad detective (it would certainly seem as though i may be lacking in the intelligence department... lol), or maybe it was fake news; i don't know. thank you for sharing your info! wish i could be more useful, but that's all i got, lol.
  3. i'll raise it to 900k :3
  4. ah, sweet! i'm online as well; near rustboro currently, so i can come to the pc or wherever you want. my ign is also Lucithella - pm me when you're ready! c:
  5. hey~! i was wondering the price of your first serperior (25spd, 22spatk)? i would like to offer 300k, but i don't mind negotiating c:
  6. I would like to change this account's name first: Current Name: Lucithella New Name: Fury So that my main account can be changed to this: Current Name: UndyingFury New Name: Lucithella Both accounts belong to me, and I would like to pay for both using my main account. My alt does not meet the in-game hours requirement, but my main account does, so I hope that doesn't matter.
  7. Re: Lysium's From Trash to Treasure! <r>Oh! Sorry, I didn't know you were waiting on me. Yes, I do still want the Darmanitan <E>:Smile:</E></r>
  8. Re: Lysium's From Trash to Treasure! <t>Hi, I'd like to buy your Darmanitan, if it's still available? c:</t>
  9. Re: Jaccard1 Insta Shop!! New Added 12-04 <t>Hey, I'd like to buy your Magnezone :3</t>
  10. I'd like to buy your shiny Tentacruel :Smile:
  11. Re: THE COMEBACK | SiTzei's Market Place | UPDATE ON PROGRESS <r>Hey, if you're still selling that Infernape for 1mil, I'd like to buy <E>:Smile:</E></r>
  12. Re: Only competitive pokemons shop <t>I'm guessing my last offer was too low, so does 350k seem reasonable for you then? c:<br/> <br/> EDIT: I'd like to change my offer to 450k instead, actually.</t>
  13. Re: Only competitive pokemons shop <t>200k for Reckless Starly c:</t>
  14. Re: Chronos' PokeHouse [New Pokemon Added 06/04] <r>I'll take the insta price on Totobob's Talonflame <E>:Smile:</E></r>
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