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About Eth4rnal

  • Birthday July 15

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  • Occupation
    Admin/Account Exec

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Eth4rnal's Achievements

Rookie Trainer

Rookie Trainer (2/12)



  1. I hereby, without any bias... voting for this colour. why? the reason is... just look at it. how can u resist it
  2. restore shop, 4 poke added - 28/7/21
  3. Username : eth4rnal Server : Gold Country/Timezone : Malaysia/GMT+8
  4. can close ty
  5. since no one raise and the auction time is ended, u win congrats and lmk when u able to pick it up Discord : eth4rnal#5702 , ign : Eth4rnal
  6. Noted bo rn
  7. Noted, start 500k by BluzeGG, countdown start now
  8. Hi, Today I would like to auctioning this Gallade; Current Offer : 700k Lux Min Bid : 100k Insta : 1.6m End time 24th July, 2:13am GMT+8 https://countingdownto.com/?c=3728200 Good Luck, may the force be with you.
  9. want to buy ghastly 150k
  10. hrmm ok then ty
  11. oh i see, is there anyway i can submit a miltank instead? i didnt know that was the case
  12. Hi, Is there anyway I can resubmit my ralt to the farmer? I submit a Timid Male Ralt, i didnt know thet when I submit a Male I have to beat Wally using a Gallade, I thought I still be able to pick to fight him using Gallade or Garde. Please help me out, I dont want to hunt another male ralt, my account seems to have 80-20 female to male ratio, when i get a male its all trash and when i did find a good male, it gonna fail synch, I dont rlly want to complain about the hunting system, I just want to be able resubmit a female ralt so that I can finish the quest. Thank you in advance.
  13. did i win? can u add me on discord so we can setup the trade? Eth4rnal#5702
  14. +1 last run i received silver disc for the 3rd time and honestly doing the quest feel unrewarding
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