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Everything posted by Allsmell

  1. Can you show your kyrum stats
  2. Rhyperior 2 started from your post. End time 3 days (72h) from then. Donphan 1 sold 1m
  3. .
  4. No picture of the poke friend
  5. Buy the two above here. 300k offer for arcanine
  6. Ty for passing it on. Transfer moves are definitely a thing in pro though https://pokemondb.net/pokedex/clefable/moves/7 http://prowiki.info/index.php?title=Soft-Boiled
  7. its possible to get whirlpool poli in gen 7, its a gen 4 tm transfere move https://pokemondb.net/pokedex/politoed
  8. 22, 69, 90, 152, 328, wtb these numbers
  9. Weavile 2 Sold 590k (500k+15rc) Hydreigon 2 Sold 800k
  10. Halloween Tyranitar sold 8m 1st Valentine Constable sold 2.5m Shiny pidgeotto Sold 400k
  11. Hey partho, my shop has two bold togekiss in https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/121635-url Any queries/questions Allsmell#8974 on discord is the easiest place to chat
  12. Are all your posted prices starting offers?
  13. I love them, big Pokémon deserve big pokemon
  14. Xmas mareep 1 sold 40k Xmas mareep 2 sold 30k
  15. Ferrothorn 1 sold 1.6m
  16. Skarmory 1 sold 650k Toxicroak 1 Sold 480k
  17. Snorlax 4 sold 800k
  18. I think the answer is yes. But I can't be sure as I don't have the power to mute you/am not you
  19. Shinies used to get the same IVs/Natures commonly, getting two of the same pokemon though, this is the first ive seen. I belive the rng was sorted so this no longer happens, so this pairing is probably the only exact pairing of shinies around
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