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Everything posted by Allsmell

  1. Adding to the list of pokes the tm doesnt work on, Doesnt work on ferrothorn either Presumably tm was added as an alternative to tutor, in og games can only be learned via lvl up, tutor and breeding
  2. so the 1st of april at 12:00 GMT+1? if so 6m
  3. You didn't complete the quest. He takes the pokemon permanently from you when you deliver them. They are now useless for the quest as they are evolved
  4. Exact end time please
  5. Starwars Pawniard Sold 2cc (800k)
  6. Relax not everyone is against you. My comments weren't aimed at you as I haven't read any of your posts(tad long and abit one path). Would read tldr if you added them. I read your 1st two lines and realised you missed the point of my last post. Two of the arguments that were made in the same post; 1)that the island shouldn't be exclusive to the top 3 guilds 2)there should be some maps available to just the top 3 guilds If you can't see the contradiction here then I can't help. As in my previous post, I'm all for making the island more accessible with a fixed barrier to entry (5k rating ect).
  7. Everyone who is discussing opening the guild island to more people but still keeping some maps for top 3 guilds, THE GUILD ISLAND already is THIS, and you're complaining about its lack of access. Personally I'm in favour of swapping to a high flat guild rating requirement, but if you're going to argue at least keep your arguments consistent within your own post.
  8. needs its own thread, Really good idea, still makes lots of people PvP, open island up more to any group willing to put effort in.
  9. On both computer and Android you can drag the chat box larger from the top left corner of the chat box. For me this isn't always the solution, I like to watch all chats simultaneously and use /all /hel /t ect
  10. updated, 130 pokes left -> 91 Left
  11. The Island The Forrest The Cave The Dojo (Boss) The Spawns - Trick room Tutor Room
      • 2
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  12. Starwars Pawniard Added
  13. only costs 400k to swap back, or you can wait a month. Neither of those is that onorus
  14. +1 although i think 4x coin reward for 1st win on the daily is probably abit high, mabye something like, 1st daily win +1pvp coin 3rd daily win +2 pvp coins also if this is implemented it needs a global reset mabye 00:00GMT+0 not a 24h w8 Also for those of you advocating this, it will DEVALUE your current PvP coins
  15. Hween Rapidash sold 100k
  16. You need to give an exact time, with a timezone. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/119709-url
  17. your auction needs an end time
  18. Magnezone 2 sold 300k Clefairy sold 90k Larvesta sold 1.4m(4cc-200k) 26/3/2020 Gible sold 400k 31/3/2020
  19. Tyranitar 4 Auction won 550k by Ferocityy
  20. His first video showed this
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