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Everything posted by Allsmell

  1. volcarona 2 sold 500k+8rc (548k)
  2. Are you on gold or silver server?
  3. 500 drat, Offering 1m start for axew
  4. Shiny Slakoth sold 2.5m
  5. clefable 2 sold 80k
  6. weavile 8 sold 175k
  7. Buy salamence, buy goodra
  8. Added Alakazam 2x Bellossom Clefable 2x Forretress Froslass Gengar Glalie Gliscor Goodra Heracross Lopunny Lucario 2x Masquerain Noctowl Omnastar Pelipper Pinsir Rotom Sceptile Tentacruel Togekiss Victreebel Vileplume Volcarona 2x Weavile 3x
  9. +1 even better if we get it in a form we can export it in.
  10. Buy pelipper 400k
  11. Vaporeon 1 sold 1.3m Breloom 1 won 450k
  12. 200k Auction needs an exact end time, not sometime sunday
  13. Halloween Charizard added Clone Charmander added
  14. Volcarona 11 traded for timid hween charizard
  15. The statement is 'it's NOT a particularly hard requirement' Not is a negative and reverses the meaning of the next phrase. I understand English isn't everyones first language, hope this isn't taken badly.
  16. -1 Rather they worked on other content, it's not a particularly hard requirement.
  17. Ok started from your message Ends 3d
  18. Dont think we need a nature saver, its pretty cheap and easy to change nature atm, Its also cheap to change EVs -- However it is a pain in the ass. Think some description of a set saver for Evs would be be good, However i think that you should have to save the set, then remove the evs with berries and retrain the 1st time for each set you want, also think there should be a charge, mabye 100k for swapping sets. Probably a pain to code, rather they worked on other things,
  19. Volcarona 2 sold 4.5m
  20. Excadrill 1 sold 600k
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