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Everything posted by Mayelesa

  1. For enter Mt.silver, You will need be a champion on both Kanto and Johto
  2. Mayelesa

    Black Screen

    Even deleting pro and using ccleaner still will remain leftovers on your pc. To delete these ones, open the regedit (to delete registry keys),then go to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software and delete the folder 'Team Pokemon Revolution Online '.
  3. ^^ Hi welcome to PRO. Btw, did you want introduce yourself for short?
  4. Hi the oval stone is not coded atm, it will be in the future :Grin: Thus, your hapiny cannot evolve atm. I am so sorry about that :Ambivalent: thx for the answer...so my epic eV trainer appiani has to wait =( Sr, I also help train hapiny to lv99 and then... sadly we have same case :Ambivalent:
  5. Hi the oval stone is not coded atm, it will be in the future :Grin: Thus, your hapiny cannot evolve atm. I am so sorry about that :Ambivalent:
  6. Welcome back ^^
  7. Hi yesterday, the server is unstable. So is it still today? I also recommend u using CClearner for clear your computer, so it can make your PC run faster too :Shy:
  8. Nice nice, welcome to PRO :Grin:
  9. Hi, will be happy when see u in game. Did u check the game guide in 4rum or watching some gameplay video in youtube. It will help you saving alot and catch up faster to the game. Also feel free asking in 4rum/help chat if you have any question :Grin:
  10. Hi ^^ Did u check your spam box. And what is your mail provider? I recommend you use Gmail for the best result :Grin:
  11. <3 Ty, hope you have great game :Sing:
  12. No, you need check all in rocket hideo =,= not only the room of giovanni
  13. Did u miss some? Make sure checking all for each... It is random, so nobody can tell you where is exactly
  14. Hi ^^ welcome mate, I recommend you looking the game guide in 4rum for having background and preparing before playing. Also feel free if you have any question to community :Shy:
  15. Interesting question. Here is 2 basic ways to get money for all game - kill monster (wild pokemon) and do mission (celedon daily task for item reward) Another ways are hunt item (using covet/thief move for item from wild pokemon) and hunt pokemon for selling. Do in this order and you will be fine Farm item > Farm wild pokemon > Do celedon daily task (in city of gym 4) > Hunt pokemon and sell :Grin: Have a nice day
  16. Hi to you too ^^ Short is best I think
  17. As you was give him for borrow, you will have responsibility if he has something as banned. I don't think can do anything about your case :/ And like you said "Ask a mod if they can resolve the problem and they said they can't"
  18. ^^ yup it great. Btw, you post wrong place in 4rum :P
  19. Welcome ^^ please when hearing u say it :Grin: Feel free to ask if u need help too
  20. Hi, I will recommend u using Gmail as best solution, as well as check spam box too
  21. In your case, that mean u was be catch by Team rocket, it need u to avoid their vision in during recuse Pokemon. Btw, answer in this post to, don't make other post. It will be mark as spam! If not this above case I said, it mean u not release enough pokemon. Check this https://ggftw.com/forum/other-mmo-games/125282-pokem-revolution-guide-jhoto-part-1-a.html#post1848822 for find out what u miss :Grin:
  22. Can u post the picture for your case. Sr quite don't understand what u trying to say? And you can check it https://ggftw.com/forum/other-mmo-games/125282-pokem-revolution-guide-jhoto-part-1-a.html#post1848822 for walkthrough if it can help u some :Grin:
  23. Eggs move available, but you will need beat Naero Bossin cerulean cave before can do it (in daycare)
  24. The game still beta, so you must patient for this game. It not coded yet, not mean never coded :Grin: Patient PRO is currently in a Live Beta, and you will keep your progress. The team is working on new updates around the clock and amazing things are always coming. Given that we are in LIVE BETA the game is still under development. Crashes and bugs are expected to happen any moment. You can also expect to see more regions and content popping up from time to time!
  25. Hi ^^ it not code atm, but will adding more in the future You also can look at this https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=98&t=15351 for see the move bug/ not coded
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