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Everything posted by Mayelesa

  1. This you know that when u have 6 pokemon in team, your poke will be transferred into PC box at Pokemon centre? And did u meet reboot/crash during that time? If yes, PRO cannot do anything for rollback issues. Sr about that :Ambivalent: Take a picture for evidence and more detail in your issues will be better, ty
  2. Mayelesa

    Moemon mod

    moemon mod what is that? :confused: It turns all the pokemon sprites into little girls dressed like pokemon. (Waifu mod) I don't think they would do this :/ Ty for your answer =,= and plz don't make the game as Fake :Ambivalent:
  3. https://lsirpeople.epfl.ch/despotovic/ReputationGT.pdf Hope it can help all you guys :Crazy:
  4. Mayelesa

    Moemon mod

    moemon mod what is that? :confused:
  5. Hi, did u check spam box. And I recommend you use Gmail for best result, because some provider can met problem for not receive email
  6. Did you tell him about this issue before relog? From your said, I think that is lagging issues, so it will best if u said to him about this, and then tell him wait/add friend before relog. It will avoid for almost your cases :Grin: I didn't think I'd get caught in a cue, so I didn't mention the issue, just told him to wait while I relogged. Are you on Blue server? Maybe you can tell him to come on the forums and read this. Sr, I am not in there. But you can use /friend Bruh to add friend him, and then tell him after you ingame. Sr cannot help you in that cases
  7. Did you tell him about this issue before relog? From your said, I think that is lagging issues, so it will best if u said to him about this, and then tell him wait/add friend before relog. It will avoid for almost your cases :Grin:
  8. Welcome mate ^^ And for your question 1/ MS is item, and can active (cannot deactive after do it) by click it. And it 1 month time ^^ 2/ Yup, it worth ^^ Bonus 50% EXP! Double Money Gained! Access to Members Only Areas Early Access to various Pokemon! Access to unique Members Only Clothes, Hats and Mounts (From various Quests and NPC Shops ingame)!
  9. You can check this https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=98&t=15351 for know what move is bugged or not coded yet :Grin:
  10. Welcome, have fun with your time in game. If you have some question, feel free to ask then ;)
  11. Welcome to PRO :Grin: I am fan when I was 10 year old. So you look like better than me lol :devil:
  12. Hi, welcome to PRO ^^. Wish you was in Red server :Smile: but we can see in 4rum then
  13. Did u confirm email in registration/ or check for your Capslock/ Unikey also. It can be problem :Grin:
  14. Welcome to PRO :Grin:
  15. Re: ♥ Mayelesa Day Care ♥ Pokemon Kanto and Johto now <r><QUOTE author="TR3Y"><s> </e></QUOTE> Hi ^^ your order been record in current trainning</r>
  16. Hi you can login in here https://pokemonrevolution.net/Account.php and see the reason why u be banned And make appeals in here https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=32 :Grin:
  17. Same as Marcylene said, you can play on the same connection, only cannot play at the same PC :Grin:
  18. Re: ♥ Mayelesa Day Care ♥ Pokemon Kanto and Johto now <r><QUOTE author="Valxthegamer"><s> </e></QUOTE> IGN: Valxthegamer<br/> Pokemon: Golem<br/> Rush Order: No<br/> Current Level: 40<br/> Final Level: 80<br/> Evolve at level: Not needed<br/> Move keep: Earthquake<e> </e></QUOTE> Hi ^^ your cost will be 92.5k as 25% for Golem evolved</r>
  19. Hi, you need waitting 24 hours, after that you can post the evidence (for your purchasing) in there https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=71 :Grin:
  20. Atm only you can find this item is holding by Electabuzz in power plant :Ambivalent:
  21. Syns work, however compound eyes or other abi outside effect will never work! About died, it look like no working for me
  22. Hi, atm you cannot make your eevee into Slyveon. The only way to get Sylveon is Unknown Place via a single headbutt tree; it's probably one of, if not THE rarest catchable pokemon on the server currently.
  23. Synchonise is working however it only has 50% to get right nature :Grin: That's reason why someone said yes and others said no :Grin:
  24. Here is your link: https://download.cyanogenmod.org/
  25. You are a new player, let me explain it to you. When there is a crash that is sudden. When a reboot happens, there is always nad advise to log out in order not to lose the save. The losing of the data is called "rollback". Anyway there is no way, even you you prove your lost, to have it back, sorry. And the game only save quickly and completely if you using log out. For moving others map or using heal on PC/ PC box, it will need longer time 15-20 mins for completed saving.
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