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Everything posted by Beast53

  1. Re: Dae's Pokeshop - Added 17 Staryu(s) <t>60 -star3</t>
  2. Beast53


    50s take less preparation and more guild members can participate
  3. Re: Dae's Pokeshop - Added 17 Staryu(s) <t>20k star3</t>
  4. 5% chance on wild sneasel or buy from another player
  5. i want to buy few pokes,nature nd ivs don't matter chikorita cyndaquill skiploom sunskurn romaraid i m also looking for dex data of pichu politoed slowking quilfish miltank porygon2 magby elekid hitmontop espeon
  6. 100k 110
  7. i checked, but i dont know why speed? its base speed is low anyway, thats why i came here to hear some opinions. reason for speed is that its sweeper ,most sweepers go with speed even if their base speed is low like glaceon ,scizor or absol .
  8. speed /sp att,check smogon https://www.smogon.com/dex/xy/pokemon/glaceon/
  9. Beast53


    nintendo never banned rain team, nd rain team got many counter
  10. Re: Ingame BOSS [brock in Diglett Cave !!!] <r><QUOTE author="Seibuza"><s> </e></QUOTE> Q.Q server crash while battling you. I'd have stomped your npc X)<e> </e></QUOTE> i wasn't even able to find it xd</r>
  11. Re: Ingame BOSS [brock in Diglett Cave !!!] <r><QUOTE author="Deathwing"><s> </e></QUOTE> Many, none survived <E>:Cool:</E><e> </e></QUOTE> i guess it's my turn ,will be easy</r>
  12. hmm i had 69 got 71 and was able to get map and told seib it was 70, i guess we made a error its 70< not 70
  13. few people already know how to get mew but they won't tell
  14. Maybe on a NPC, but there are no Mega Pokemon ingame. saw in pvp i think.. u cant mega evolve yet
  15. he already mentioned vermilion dock ,its just bugged or removed intentionaly by staff for now
  16. he told me that he wanted to do it with community before he made this topic
  17. Re: On the tracks of Mew / Cerulean Cave <t>kk mewtwo's kickasss done, lets do checking other npcs now seib</t>
  18. Re: Selling epic gengar <t>600k gengar</t>
  19. Re: Great poke shop (updated) <t>bump added epic modest snorunt female , its up for auction</t>
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