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Everything posted by Beast53

  1. Re: Great UT poke shop[few new pokes added] <r><QUOTE author="Beast53"><s> </e></QUOTE> ..</r>
  2. Re: Great UT poke shop[few new pokes added] <t>removed lileep,carvanha and shuckle, due to no proper offers, will be removing all other pokes if i dont get any good offers from them in 24 hrs,</t>
  3. i wish for a army of shiny bidoofs
  4. Re: Great UT poke shop[few new pokes added] <t>bump, lf offers worth insta for the poke, make a offer if its good enough, i will sell it , not looking for co/bo and dont ask me price, u can have a estimate urself and offer</t>
  5. Re: Great UT poke shop[few new pokes added] <r><QUOTE author="HendryxXu"><s> </e></QUOTE> no actual cos tbh, someone just offered 25 for carvanha speed boost, 150k for swablu and nothing for skorupi</r>
  6. Re: Selling epic gengar timid 31spd <t>150 gengar</t>
  7. Re: Great UT poke shop[few new pokes added] <t>up</t>
  8. Re: Great UT poke shop[few new pokes added] <t>up</t>
  9. Re: Great UT poke shop[few new pokes added] <t>bump</t>
  10. Re: Great UT poke shop[few new pokes added] <t>up</t>
  11. Re: Great UT poke shop[few new pokes added] <t>up</t>
  12. :Grin: looks like bird or dog trio
  13. Re: Great UT poke shop[few new pokes added] <t>bump</t>
  14. Re: $2,000,000 PokeDollar Give-Away for 1st PRO X-MAS! <t>Merry Christmas PRO! 23</t>
  15. Re: Great UT poke shop[few new pokes added] <t>up</t>
  16. Re: Great UT poke shop[few new pokes added] <r><QUOTE author="Huy0899"><s> </e></QUOTE> leave me a message on here when u get on about at what timing u usally get on</r>
  17. Re: Great UT poke shop[few new pokes added] <r><QUOTE author="no123"><s> </e></QUOTE> I Wrote in shop rules that i will start a timer after i get a accepatable offers, u can judge by it<e> </e></QUOTE> oh ok,what is an acceptable starting bid for it then?<e> </e></QUOTE> a bid on which i start timer is acceptble :p</r>
  18. Re: Great UT poke shop[few new pokes added] <r><QUOTE author="LeoMendes"><s> </e></QUOTE> pm me in game</r>
  19. Re: Great UT poke shop[few new pokes added] <r><QUOTE author="no123"><s> </e></QUOTE> i offered for carvanha,is it not good enough?i'd like an answer so i'll know what to do accordingly.<e> </e></QUOTE> I Wrote in shop rules that i will start a timer after i get a accepatable offers, u can judge by it</r>
  20. Re: Great UT poke shop[few new pokes added] <t>UP</t>
  21. Re: Great UT poke shop[few new pokes added] <r>[/post] <QUOTE author="keilep"><s> </e></QUOTE> <QUOTE author="shay3100"><s> </e></QUOTE> pm me when server comes up, until server is down, anyone can offer on staryu and 1st murkrow, aution for both will be over the moment server is online<br/> <br/> i m decreasing time left for frillish to 2 hrs, after 2 hrs no offers on frill will be taken<e> </e></QUOTE> im at work for more like 3~4h, so will pm you when i get back home.<e> </e></QUOTE> server is up ,pm me when ever u fell like, it has been sold to u</r>
  22. Re: Great UT poke shop[few new pokes added] <r><QUOTE author="shay3100"><s> </e></QUOTE> pm me when server comes up, until server is down, anyone can offer on staryu and 1st murkrow, aution for both will be over the moment server is online<br/> <br/> i m decreasing time left for frillish to 2 hrs, after 2 hrs no offers on frill will be taken</r>
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