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Everything posted by Beast53

  1. lagendry shiny ratttata , and my 2nd shiny was also a rattata , except these 2 i never encountered any shiny in 600 hrs playtime xd
  2. bump!!
  3. bump 1!!
  4. bump !!!!!
  5. contact me ingame
  6. contact me ingame bro ,
  7. pm me when u can be online
  8. no isntas, just make offer, if i find it acceptable, i accept, if dont , i wont bother with it
  9. when will you online? if red server isnt under a crash/maintainace, i will go online right now
  10. meet me ingame bump !!
  11. tbh , joining dragon club is a primary step in getting mew , u get dragon medalion -- > battle lance ---> ceruleun cave avalible ----> mewtwo data for dex
  12. contact me in game when server somes up
  13. bump !!!
  14. i think it was digimon
  15. Beast53

    NB: Hoenn

    i agree , its needed, many player just sold a ms or so to get money in kanto and bought a high lvl poke to complete johto story
  16. i think it was digimon
  17. Re: Memoire [international guild] Red and Blue server! <r><QUOTE author="Sympaticc"><s> </e></QUOTE> just fill the form for joining , and leave it to recruiters</r>
  18. bump !!
  19. Thanks a lot mate, im so happy that i expd the right pokes, anyways i have just 1 question, why mega drain? in my opinion i dont need grass mooves at all, exept for onix and maybe blastoise, but anyways thunderbolt is better, i wait a reply (: thanks a lot again and good game ^^ it will help u agaisnt tyranitar and ther rock type pokes as u wont have time to change to gyrados , so its better option than icy wind
  20. bump!!
  21. well lvl ur haunter to 85-90 and evolve and correct its evs 252 speed 252 sp att , for moveset - shadow ball/ thunderbolt/mega or giga drain / physic , get gyrados a bout 2-5 lvls up and it will be enough sport , well with gengar and gyra u will be able to defeat e4 but do fill all slots in ur team even if with crap pokes as sacrifices, get leppa berries for pp restoration , revives and potions (btw atleast 2 max potions)
  22. how about walking a little if the other town is nearby i'd do that but NPCS are stopping me to rebattle and i hate that.. there r rts on which u can avoid most npcs and have max 1-2 battles and they wont rechallange for next 7 days, so just battling and taking a rt that avoids most npcs will help
  23. how about walking a little if the other town is nearby
  24. up !!!!!
  25. bump !!
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