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Everything posted by Beast53

  1. btw if guys check my post dont forgot to comment to say grats to the guy who found it, and i m really happy we have such a great security check system in pro
  2. i will like to have other's opinion instead of getting a astaff member lock this topic..like the other one was, this is genral game talk section this pokemon ...how lucky is the guy with that dratini is ? i just calculated and found it was pretty easy to find such shiny dratini i just want to ask what u guys think? a shiny - 1/8152 a hidden ability - 1/50 all ivs 28+ - 1/481,890,307 getting best nature -2/25(as a possibility he was using a syncro) taking rarity as a pure luck - i will consider that guy had 1/2,455,231,114,165,000, uhm yea deathwing it sounds legit, i dont think, it was too difficult for him to find that dratini, it is pretty easy to find such a shiny dratini, i m also gonna hunt such a shiny soon :Angel: For now- grats to the guy who found it
  3. Re: The epic fennekin shop <t>3 ms magic fenne</t>
  4. Beast53


    there r no eggs in game , the egg u r talking about might be lucky egg which is held item , there are many players with lucky egg, so its a possibility the egg u r talking about is that item
  5. I M 18
  6. Re: The epic fennekin shop <t>2 ms+20k for it</t>
  7. Re: The epic fennekin shop <t>ms+80k for magician fenne</t>
  8. Re: The epic fennekin shop <t>do u accept ms as a offer? and how much is ms's value for u?</t>
  9. bump
  10. Pokemon - Trapinch Nature - Jolly Ability - Any IVS -31 speed(might accept 30 speed too),18+ att, 15+hp, other ivs dont matter much Pay -uhm 300k+3 ms , prob more or less
  11. i will like to withraw my offers from ur pokemon, i have pmed u twice for axew, 1st time u said to wait 48 hrs and its already 3 days or more and still no news from if u have sold it or not , so sorry, i m withrawing offer from both axew and eevee
  12. friendship+day+lvl up, same as original games-
  13. Re: HIGH GRND II(Epics,Uts,Comps) <t>1 ms duskull , nub sell to me :p</t>
  14. i dont have it yet and it was told to me by a scripter and i have already donated , old amber, still need other 4 fossils,prob my dig spots will reset today, i will go try luck today I'm missing claw and root fossil at the moment. I had 2 claw and root before I saw this. The thing bothering me is, could it also be any fossil as long as you give him 5 fossils. That's why we need more info on this and I don't want to experiment on my fossils at the moment also. not any bro - 1 of each type avalible in game - 1old amber, 1 helix, 1 dome, 1 claw and 1 root, and i had like 3 root, 2 dome, 4 helix and 6 old amber,i found this out after reviving them up :(
  15. char x- u could get it if ur starter was charmander and 50 hrs playtime but the npc (prof aide) was temp removed from game ... u need all 5 fossils present in game - 1 old amber, 1 claw fossil,1 root, 1 helix and 1 dome, u got claw, u need other 4, btw they rnt tradabale so it depends upon luck during dig
  16. yes thats y i got all starter mega stones, i just bought em
  17. Can you show screenshot of aerodactylite if you have or a friend of yours has it? Or are you saying that from hunch? i dont have it yet and it was told to me by a scripter and i have already donated , old amber, still need other 4 fossils,prob my dig spots will reset today, i will go try luck today
  18. Re: Kindredspirits poke shop! (New Arrivals) <t>60k eevee</t>
  19. Re: Kindredspirits poke shop! (New Arrivals) <r><QUOTE author="Lx379"><s> </e></QUOTE> grr fusion , i thought u would already be having a weavile</r>
  20. Re: Trapinch Secret ability, epic iv jolly <t>when was trapinch even added?</t>
  21. ppl asking about aerodectilite- there r 5 fossils avalible in game and u need 1 of each, dont revive em, goto meuseum in pewter city and talk tot he guy there, give those fossils to him and he will reward with mega stone
  22. change to 2ms+ 130k plz, wont coz any diff i think
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