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Everything posted by Beast53

  1. next reigon will be hoenn, it will take time so there is no approx date , u can think as 2-3 months(maybe more or less) , there is a progress report about hoenn in announcement sections , yes we can catch few sinnoh pokes at random places as set for their encounters, they maybe membership or super rare
  2. maybe its mean 1m yea it means 1m , that baka writes it as 1kk
  3. i will add what naero told about it
  4. so naero has decided to rip us
  5. Re: Epic Seahorse shop <t>up</t>
  6. 1.I can reject any offer if i want too for being too low 2.scamming, spammin, trolling = report 3.i will put a time limit after getting a acceptable offer Current offers SNORUNT PUNKABOO SKORUPI 1.
  7. ms now is 180k-200k
  8. Re: Pokémon Tiers [2015-11-23][Currently] <t>nice listing<br/> <br/> the pokemons u said disscusion about :<br/> Greninja - ou<br/> Slaking - ou<br/> Luxray - uu<br/> Drapion - uu<br/> Yanmega - ru<br/> Seismitoad -ru<br/> Chandelure -ou<br/> Durant -ru<br/> Gothitelle -uu<br/> Hippowdon -uu<br/> Roserade -uu<br/> <br/> <br/> u missed few pokemons like- altaria,flygon,dusklops, sharpedo, delphox(there will be more and i think u shall make a list for nu pokemons too as there r many which r supposed to be in different tiers)<br/> clefable is added twice in ou list<br/> <br/> <br/> <br/> i also think u should rethink on tiers for few pokemons<br/> <br/> krokodile is about uu<br/> cloyster and jolteon are supposed to be ou <br/> hatiyama is uu<br/> vaporeon is ru<br/> miltank should go in uu and ninjask to ou</t>
  9. wow , mold breaker kadabra, sound like hacking
  10. Re: HIGH GRND II(Epics,Uts,Comps)(updated) <r><QUOTE author="TR3Y"><s> </e></QUOTE> onix op</r>
  11. 120k
  12. u can get from dragon membersip in blackthorn
  13. air bloon - drifloom focus sash -makuhita or some other figting type like orb - starly shed shell -shukkle toxic orb -gligar and btw there should be in game events/place where we can get - choice band , choice scarf and choice specs, they r impotant pvp items , low chance of getting scarf on a porygon is bad, its a real needed item for pvp , so i hope its added for all players
  14. strongest pokemon? there r different categories of pokemon so cant compare a wall with a sweeper Best in game Physical sweeper -SCIZOR - its the best physical sweeper and better than azumarill, with its move bullet punch it easily counters trending fairy types, technician ability plays a good role, run sword dance once and run priority moves,most priority moves dont have a effect on it so its hard for other pokemons to do much damage by moving first. Special sweeper - KINGDRA - kingdra is prob the best physical sweeper in game, it got a good sweep , with a drizzle/rain dance pokemon in team and having swift swim ability, it becomes faster than most other dragons and fairies Defencive Pokemons -SLOWBRO- For now i will say slowbro is best defencive poke in game, with regenrate ability and calm mind it makes up a good defence vs opponent in pvp. special defencive pokemon - SNORLAX - snorlax got high hp and sp def, snrolax with curse and body slam works great, with immunity ability , it gets free from being toxic, which is one of the most popular stall technique, ppl prefer, thick fat, but it doest need fire and ice resistance that ,much and poison resistance is better in my oppinion Rapid Spinner/Defogger-STARMIE - Its prob the fasteset rapid spinner and great for removing rocks and spikes Staller - MILOTIC - Its the best staller with moves like haze, recover, toxic and ice beam it becomes a real deal Stall Breaker - TOGEKISS -toge with calm mind works best to break stalling Baton passer - NINJASK -Speed boost ability and sword dance/nasty plot with protect , it comes really handy for baton passing to sweeper to set it for match ,only if there was focus sash in game , it would have been even better.
  15. Beast53


    why you steal my joke Mr. Beast Sama i didnt steal, i just gave a intro and a req to join guild
  16. Beast53


    hello i m new to game and will like to join this guild What is your name: (IGN) :Beast53 •How old are you. 18 •From where are you. pallet town •When you start PRO(hours). i m new, only got like 520 hrs platime •Your pokemon experience. I have played few other games before, dont have much exp •Your favorite pokemon. Darkrai •Why you want to join us. just looking for a good guild, btw sorry i m a player with less activity
  17. they can add a proper pvp system in every city , where players can access battle system, and tier changing everyday, and this game need to have tiers a little different as not all pokemons are present, not all moves are working, not all abilities are working,not all items are working properly so few pokemons need to be changed tiers acc to it like chancey is a ou pokemon but without evolite working for now it should be placed in uu tier
  18. Beast53


    lol vice leader wants to join
  19. Re: Bella's PokéPound! Updated Accepted Offers. <r><QUOTE author="SangkuJung"><s> </e></QUOTE> lol nub,</r>
  20. Re: Bella's PokéPound! Added H/A Staryu and Togepi <t>110 addy ralts</t>
  21. if u feel like selling aero's stone,pm me :p i m not sure about time, though, i will add 250 hrs, but i will like a admin/mod to confirm it
  22. how much r u even paying for a shukkle?
  23. Where is that npc? sprout tower is in voilet city
  24. pewter city - in jail(top right building in map)
  25. Edit by Naero: I've made a fix to it, and it will require a reboot to effectuate; until then, we prefer that players are blind-sighted to the methodical exploit, so the exploit is not disseminated and pervaded before the fix falls through. Thank you for dutifully reporting, but such exploitabilities really shouldn't be ventilated; they should be raised up on a more private venue, for future reference.
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