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About Tammie

  • Birthday 05/24/1991

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  1. Max ATK Easter Adamant Azumarill PvP Moveset Ready. S.O 1m Min offer : 100k No Insta Auction won by @Supraa Contact Tammie or Lautje Ingame or DM Tammie on discord i DM'ed you discord tag to make the trade Auction Ends 72h after first bid. End Tuesday 07-06-2022 at 1:12 pm (GMT +1) Accepted forms of Payment: Pokedollars $$$ Coin Capsules at 400k/each Bid in forum or ingame You can contact Tammie or Lautje Ingame Happy bidding everyone.
  2. Semi Godly/Epic Impish Hippowdon PvP Moveset Ready. Won by Kabanohut for 2.7m Auction Ends 72h after first bid. Thursday 11:40 am GMT+1 Accepted forms of Payment: Pokedollars $$$ Coin Capsules at 400k/each Bid in forum or ingame You can contact Tammie or Lautje Ingame Thanks for bidding everyone.
  3. bring up my post
  4. Gratz @Alexitof u wo the auction. PM me in-game : Tammie or on discord Tammie#7229
  5. Bump 2h 15min left, Bring up my post
  6. PvP Moveset Ready S.O : 800k (Shiningshade) C.O: 800k (Shiningshade) Insta: No insta Min Raise :100k Auction Ends Saturday October 9th at 10:00 AM GMT+ 2 (Amsterdam Time)
  7. Auction Closed, @Rum Congratz you won the auction at 1.5m send me a DM ingame or on forums to set a time for pick up. Yours Sincerely, Tammie
  8. Please keep this Thread related to the auction thats being held, this is not a random message board thank you. FYI it had nothing to do with removing or setting an instant buy
  9. @Rum Editted minimum raise so your bid is valid
  10. Rum Won the Auction at 1.5m Congratz No Insta. Ends 19:40 Amsterdam Time
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