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Everything posted by 23noel

  1. 350k
  2. i got an invite to the summertounament but its not possible to join :) pls help
  3. Username: 23noel Server: Gold Country/Timezone: germany GMT +1
  4. What's your IGN? 23noel How many hours do you have in PRO? 825hours Do you have discord? Yes, dragun23/leon#5227 How far are you in story? Completed all regions How active are you in PRO? (How often do you play?)depand on my felling during 1-5per day. Are you a PvP or PvE player? Or do you enjoy both? both a bit but pref pve
  5. after 5times trying im not stucked anymore pls fix this for the future its kind of anoying if u cant move cause your following pkmn blocked you from moving XD
  6. nvm nothing is solved everytime i beat the butch i cant do anything after only escape rope but after that i need battle them again ????or im stucked forever ?should that be like that ?
  7. solved can be closed
  8. im stucked in here and cant interact with anyone or even move ?
  9. Delvl my Bayleef pls Goldserver ingame name : 23noel ID 33311197
  10. Ingame name: 23noel Server :Gold Pokemon ID: 32906411 Pls delevel my servine by 1 ty
  11. hi i have a little problem i lvl my snivy to high after i reach 99 i missclicked during the evolution process so i press no instead yes now i have a lvl 99 snivy i hope u can help me by reset the lvl from my snivy to 98 would be great
  12. like on the picture it was my snorlax and cause he knows only crunch as offensiv move it needed to be crunch i not sure what was happening cause i just doing the setup and sweep with crunch and watch some filmes by side (sry that i cant give u much informations) but i just do the bosses by side
  13. here a screen from the bug After defeating all pkmn from BUggsy he isnt count as beaten but on screen u can see he dont have more pkmn but the window doesnt close I was needed to relog but after that I didnt get any rewards from it and the boss was on cd pls help me
  14. do anybody knows if the servers get again onliny today? and what happpened with for example safari time i buyed or something like this cause its notfor free and it would be nice to know whats happened with that .
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