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Everything posted by Daftgenius

  1. Start 100k Min bid 20k 24hours from first bid
  2. @Suncity You win. My discord - daftgenius#3502
  3. Bump
  4. Auction started https://countingdownto.com/w4/display/NIoQTvUU
  5. Start 200k Min bid 50k No insta 24hour auction from first bid Accept iv reroll 500k, rare candy 6.5k, coin capsule 370k, master ball 30k, focus sash 1k
  6. Start 200k Min bid 50k Insta 1.2m 24 hours from first bid Accept iv reroll 500k, rare candy 6.5k, coin capsule 370k, master ball 30k, focus sash 1k
  7. Trade complete
  8. @Hohlyeraser my discord daftgenius #3502
  9. 5 hours 23 mins left
  10. 14 hours left
  11. https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/vacation?iso=20230711T2120&p0=1768&msg=Zam&font=cursive&csz=1 Auction started
  12. Start 400k Min bid 50k Insta 2m 24hours from first bid Accept iv reroll 500k, rare candy 6.5k, coin capsule 370k, master ball 30k, focus sash 1k
  13. Trade complete, can be closed
  14. Thank you @Zoruami for helping confirm the winner. Much appreciated
  15. 3 hours 30 mins left
  16. Auction started! https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/4250646/my-countdownAuction started
  17. Start 500k Min bid 50k 24 hours from start No insta I except cash, cc=360k, iv reroll=500k, rc=6.5k
  18. Thank you all for bids, after this point I will wait for trade mod confirmation on who is the winner of auction
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