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Everything posted by Daftgenius

  1. Sold.
  2. Auction started! https://countingdownto.com/?c=4873445
  3. @Diego1206 Hi, when are you available to trade?
  4. Start 400k Min bid 100k 2.5m insta 24h auction
  5. Bump
  6. Tangela (hp fire) sold.
  7. @Diego1206 you win auction. Let me know when you can trade. My discord - daftgenius#3502
  8. Snivy sold. Garchomp sold.
  9. @Raikaisa665 meet at vermillion city
  10. @Karthick1111 Sure. I'm available to trade around 6pm (GMT +5.30)
  11. Bump
  12. The following are my preference 1st site (for pawniard, absol, daru) - Ada sync 2nd site (for croagunk, phanpy,etc) also Ada sync 3rd site (for rotom, gastly) timid sync 4th site (for beldum, larvitar) jolly sync 5th site (for sneasel, shellder,swinub) jilly sync 6th site (for tangela, karrablast?) sassy sync 7th site (for porygon, clef, etc) bold sync
  13. @Raikaisa665 let me know when you can trade for snivy.
  14. @Pablopanda07 Okay, that's fine. I'm available 7 hours from now. My discord: daftgenius#3502
  15. 10 pokedollas
  16. Start 400k Min bid 50k Insta 2m 48hour auction
  17. Try using the report button (available on every post). Staff usually respond when I do that
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