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Everything posted by Snowbull

  1. insta changed to 300k
  2. Snowbull

    PvP prize

    hi, i would like to know what prize u get in pvp ranked ladder. (for blue server if possible) thank you very much
  3. Re: Aarathen's Mart (New Epic Poke) <t>460k starmie</t>
  4. hi all, wts that good excadrill with sand rush. i accept offers here or in game. instant buy is 300k. if someone buy i will take the wrong ivs(def hp) back with berris.
  5. maybe happiny coded? all this years....waiting...maybe...the time has come!!!!!!!!!
  6. hi all, looking for an epica ferrothon or seed. dont care of lvl or if is evs. if u got 1 pm me here or in game "snowbull" can pay cash, item, pokemon, mi rich, thanks a lot
  7. who has fake bidded?
  8. still, 1m to start is way out of range of most of the people. i think you should start the bid at 300k, if u are lucky u gonna make 700-900k out of that bird. but gl buddy
  9. welcome, see you soon if you will join blue server!
  10. Hi the oval stone is not coded atm, it will be in the future :Grin: Thus, your hapiny cannot evolve atm. I am so sorry about that :Ambivalent: thx for the answer...so my epic eV trainer appiani has to wait =(
  11. hi, i would like to know if there is a way to evolve happiny since i saw there is oval stone but it doesnt work, or is not scripted or i dont know.
  12. now the drogonite moves are : outrage/thunder punch/extremespeed/dragon dance
  13. Snowbull


    hi, i've been playing many pokemon servers, this is probably the best i've tryed. But, i dont know why in all the server i played...noone had those item: choice spec choice scarf i think should be easy to implement them, and would make the game much more challenging. I hope you will read this suggestioni, thanks for all your hard work. snowbull
  14. current offer 400k by Chris211, looking for more
  15. hi, mi willing to sell an adamant lvl 100 dragonite, with multiscale.
  16. hi zack! enjoy ur stay
  17. blue is down i think.
  18. hi, i would like to ask if, i bought in game, with game money a medallion on red server, does it still work on blue server? thanks for ur help, very apprecciated
  19. can we have some information on the server? still offline for how much?
  20. hi, in game my name is Snowbull mi having problem connecting to the game, it says logging in but it just doesnt, and after a while the game closes. thanks for your help
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