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Everything posted by Snowbull

  1. there is a mistake in blue server, i won vs fearkl and is written that i lost.
  2. sold for insta ty.
  3. what server u mean?
  4. Title says everything. starting bid 2m. insta price 5m. 48h bid. Ingame: "snowbull" gl to everyone https://imgur.com/a/ZhZZY
  5. Re: Epic H.a talonflames <t>1.5m here</t>
  6. Hi, i ahve sent my prove of my win in round three. the message is stuck in "outbox" tho, is there anywhere i cans end the video to you daeon?
  7. same here, already provided screenshots. Player "kikadodaigreja" but if daeon u can contact him ingame somehow, that would be fantastic. thanks
  8. Hello Guzt, sorry for the inconvenience but there is nothing we can do right now for you, you have to write an appeal here -> Appeals! This is not the right place to discuss bans. Greetings Hello snowbull, this doesn't help at all, keep that for yourself please. Greetings dont see how this doesnt help, maybe he doesnt know the reason of the ban.
  9. first of all, u sure u got banned for cheat? if yes, then u cheated lol.
  10. thx for the update..second =(
  11. Pm proves of my opponent inactivity to daeon. the message is in outbox and not message sent no idea why
  12. I have bern tryng to search for player : "kikadodaigreja" for days ingame (blues server) coudlnt find him, also in forum i cant seem to find him. If a gm could gel in contact with him or give me his forum nickname would be Great thanks
  13. So if i understood well, even player in round 2 has to fight, but the deadline is not 27 january for us
  14. I received the mail, butti am starting in round 2. :D:
  15. Snowbull

    Leech seed

    Oh nice :y:
  16. Snowbull

    Leech seed

  17. Oh I'm already in round 2, nice. Good luck to every player who participates, especially those that have to play round 1 :)
  18. Hi everyone and thx gm's for the hard work. Just a comple of questions: - Where and when will we know our opponents? - what is the deadline for the first round? Ty in advance
  19. Re: Official Legendary Tournament Round Two: Registration. <r>Server: Blue<br/> Profile: <URL url="https://prnt.sc/dvho1b">https://prnt.sc/dvho1b</URL><br/> GMT: +1 <br/> Album sent in pm to daeon</r>
  20. Re: Official Legendary Tournament Round Two: Registration. <t>I want to enroll for this tournament, blue server. All the image as soon as possible, GMT+1</t>
  21. Snowbull


    I cant log in the game till february, but i want to partecipate the tournament so eh is helping me out. But i cant reach him xd
  22. Snowbull


    Dont ask me Why, someone from blues server need to Pm a Guy called royzh92 and tell him that Snowbull is searching him in hearthstone(things related to pro) thx a lol and remember, of you really love me you dont need to know Why. Thx a lot
  23. well then u right, there is no point
  24. points and rank were added also before, but no coin were given in case of dc to the winner.
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