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Everything posted by Snowbull

  1. Yes sir, but anyway the item is not coded.
  2. Couldn't agree more. and the worst thing is that we don't even have news from the staff, i mean real news not only" we dont know we dont speak with shane or stuff like this"
  3. 15%? 15% only in love island, the rest 35% in others maps.
  4. my bro raffy never disappoints, goooood job.
  5. Shiny comes randomly, when you hunt for them the chances are so low that u will most likely not get them. once i tried for shiny gible but...its just too hard.
  6. thx Thor for keeping us updated, i already saw the NPC that tells you the boss'es cooldown, good stuff, keep going. #makebluegreatagain
  7. Did you know in yellow server ms price is higher then blue?
  8. i agree with what you said, even tho this "hobby not work excuses" is kinda boring to hear and hear again i mean...i play football with my friends this is a hobby, we dont get paid for doing it, on the other side they do get paid and when they created the server they knew they need to put a lot of effort on it. second things, i dont understand why they dont want new staff members, i mean...shane does all the job and then we have 40 staff members that kinda do the same stuff(and they are good dont get me wrong) but not really usefull to get the new content and feature, i saw that they are not looking for new scripters and i dont really understand why, i have few friends that are really capable and would like to join the team, but they dont want them. no idea why. Anyway after few posts the situation seems pretty clear, first thing to do is to set blue as default, at least to get some new player. cause at the moment we really had 0 new player over the last months.
  9. what did i just read...
  10. i Completely agree with you guys, we need something fresh, we need new ideas, save the blue server. #makebluegreatagain
  11. I agree with you Sceo but...blue server situation is so bad, like much worse then red or yellow(yellow has at least 2 times blue server people and they are also set as default right now). so i think blue really needs help right now. #makebluegreatagain
  12. good evening everybody, i have been a player of PRO since soooo much time, i have always loved the game and appriciated all the staff effort and today, im here rapresenting all the (remaining) people in BLUE server, cause since weeks already we are just diyng. Don't get me wrong, i remember months ago when there where 20 minute queue before entering the game and yes, i may look crazy but...i want it back, i want the economy to get going again, i want more noobs complaining about the ms price, i want more peole cause blue server has became a phantom server, during the moments when we have the most people online, they are like 500-550. thats the maximun. Suggestions? i wanna start: 1) make Blue default server. 2) make some event or something special to get people back in Blue. 3) vote for Trump 4) Open Green server 5) jokes aside, plis staff, do something about that #MakeBlueGreatAgain thx for ur time
  13. Snowbull


    in battle the move dive hits on pokemon witht he anility "water absorb"
  14. in battle the move dive hits on pokemon witht he anility "water absorb"
  15. that is really strange. u sure he used stone edge?
  16. haha ty trigga. cya in game
  17. sup wanna sell this god. starting from 8m. insta price 15m. ingame "snowbull". goodluck
  18. Re: PRO Viability Rankings (PVP) v0.95.7 <t>azumarill in S tier without even the berry working properly, not sure about that</t>
  19. Re: Ingame BOSS [updated 27/09/16 | Need Summer Boss picture and team ] <t>I agree, ravine gives psychic</t>
  20. Snowbull

    New Pvp Rewards

    Hi, since most of the player if not every player is unhappy with the current reward system of pvp (witch got even worst last season, only 500 coins no ms medalion, exp boost, clothes anymore) i think we should help mod's understand what we want, a fair amount of reward for our time and ability in pvp. with that said, if u have any idea of a better reward system, post it here so mod's can see it! i think it should be more like that: From 25-11: - MS medalion -350 PvP Coins - Exp boost From 10-4: -MS medalion -550 PvP coins -Exp Boost -PVP clothes From 3-1: - MS medalion - 800 PvP Coins - Exp boost - PvP clothes -a mount/another special item.
  21. i got number 2 and only received 500 coins, usually i at least got clothes/ms medalio/ exp boost. now is only 500 fck coins haha not even worth playng pvp anymore.
  22. i got number 2 in blue server, i just hope they will reward top 3-5-10 better then top 25 since i think is really much harder from top 10 then 25.
  23. i think the season is already over...
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