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Everything posted by Snowbull

  1. discord tag is wrong, add me Snowbull#2822
  2. sure I will pm you asap Amarok7. I will not be playing for 3-4 days but I can assure you that when I log in, I will immediately contact you!
  3. Thanks sir, 48h from your offer and the auction wil be over
  4. Sorry, hope you can see it now, don't know why it didn't upload the first time
  5. Hi everyone, I am willing to sell this godly H.P fire Magnezone S.O: 2m Insta price: 7m Auction ends 48h after first bid, good luck to everyone!
  6. ING nickname?
  7. i take it for isnta
  8. Greetings everyone, I am looking to buy an H.A jolly Garchomp, if possible 31 speed and rest 25+ (if close still contact me) My budget is up to 15m, ING: Snowbull thanks cya
  9. Any insta price?
  10. Eyes on the price baby, i'm in. IGN: Snowbull server: Blue Rank: 2 Showdown: Snowbull
  11. Darn, first official cross server ladder tournament and i cannot partecipate for IRL duties. GL to all partecipants
  12. so unless u dont get a 30 day MS, is just a waste of money.
  13. Re: [All Servers] ||PRO|| Monotype Showdown Tour++ <t>nice event, i would like to partecipate<br/> Showdown: Snowbull<br/> server: Blue</t>
  14. Re: Shiny_Chansey <t>3 day offer shoudlnt be 21 november instead of 22?</t>
  15. I would put breeding like that: limit to 1 hatch per day. I don’t think this would destroy the economy. Just imagine to catch 1 dratini everyday, you ain’t getting a good one. Those you hatch has 50% sync and they are like wild pokemons
  16. the dragonite is sold ingame, all other extra non-sense messages will be reported
  17. Is drain punch being worked on? it's been a reeeaaally long time with that visual bug...
  18. Right now you play pvp for fun, for "honor", because those prizes are a joke
  19. Sold, you can close
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