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Everything posted by Snowbull

  1. got many offers of 10m ingame. looking for a bit more. so i will start the bid from 10m. Good luck to all of you poke collectors.
  2. it has 255 happiness btu i just cant. it was day, it has the oval stone(even if it just show a question mark) i dont understand why it doesnt evolve. (Blue server)
  3. i read that happiny can now be avolved (since 1 week already) with oval stone during the day, i tried but i still can't (the happiny has 252 happiness) and it was during the day, and the oval stone still has a ? mark instead of the real image.
  4. hi guys, im here to sell the (i think) only H.A shiny porygon of blue server. starting prie 13m, insta price 23m. good luck and have fun.
  5. Donphan/azumarill sold!
  6. added offers for hippowdown.
  7. im not going to give prices, if u want to negotiate u can contact me in game, if u wanna make offers just post them here on forum. thank u.
  8. Wassssssuuuuuuuuuupppppp, it's snowbull here, back fresher then ever, for anything u can contact me in game or here in the forum, in game my name is "snowbull". I reserve the right to refuse any offer, i'm going to sell when i think the price is high enough and im happy enough, i accept also trade. Looking for epic pokemons, especially Bisharp, with that said, lets get it started. shiny: lvl 100 epics: [glow=red]SOLD[/glow] c.o 1m. HOT :kiss: [glow=red]SOLD[/glow] [glow=red]SOLD[/glow]
  9. Hi, i think im not the only one who always run out of Lum Berrys or other items, i feel like if an item is activated in PvP, at the end of the PvP u should still have the item, if that would work we could also be seeing a much larger range of pvp tactics, like focus sash being used. Appriciate the comments, and the game. bull
  10. my favourite pokemon is combusken, pokemon saphire was my favourite and everytime i look back to my childhoodness i remember me and my sister playng pokemon and i defeated her with my combusken, just felt in love with him xD. i would like to win the game set cause i just broke mine and atm i dont even have a euro in my pocket...
  11. Re: Nura's Shop (New God Ferroseed 31 HP Def S.Pdef) <t>i will take the insta price on ferroseed</t>
  12. i buy the volcarona for the insta price
  13. hi, willing to buy bold/modest togekiss, serene grace epic ivs. offering a lot. ty
  14. hi all, willing to buy epic scizor/dragonite. how they have to be? really epic, scizor adamant tech and hopefully (att, def, speed, sp def, hp all 25+) if is close still pm me, and the dragonite same but adamant and multiscale. Im wiling to pay up to 30m. thx
  15. ferrothorn and talonflame sold
  16. Growlithe sold in game for 1.5m.
  17. really? i knew in game all the people as how much but on forum? haha. only offers sir.
  18. hi, snowbull here, in game snowbull aswell feel free to pm me. selling my team, dont miss ur chance. i reserve the right to refuse any offer. i will sell for insta price, if not written best offer when is high enough have fun. snorlax ferroBeast [glow=red]SOLD 4m[/glow] TalonBurst[glow=red]SOLD 2.5m[/glow] scizor weavile random epics: Best tankanine ingame? [glow=red]SOLD 1.5m ingame.[/glow] random staraptor
  19. the real problem, as mentioned before, is that people who wants to buy, want it for a cheap price, and people that want to sell, want a huge profit. so ofc the difference between prices is big, and some people could get pissed and just shut the pm down. in my opinion its ok like this, just keep searching till u find someone that want to sell at the price u want to buy.
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