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Everything posted by Fatmanclt

  1. Update ! 6 new boss have been destroyed, other coming soon !
  2. u won pm me in game when u are online
  3. Hi, how many days has our opponent to go online and battle ? I think this tournament will take time... He has at maximum until Tuesday, I put a bit of tolerance this time since not everyone is aware of the new double update/week thing. Yes normal, thanks for your reply
  4. Hi, how many days has our opponent to go online and battle ? I think this tournament will take time...
  5. Ok I will start a bo with your 4m offer, are u agree ? Insta is 5m, 3 day left from today.
  6. I realy need 5m mate ...
  7. Bo : 4M Insta Price 5m. 3days left -Note that I sell this poke to buy an other poke, so if the poke that I want to buy is sold, I can refuse to sell it for the insta price-
  8. Re: Fat-Ot Shop - Pvp and Cheap poke Inside - Start your region with a good poke ! <t>Upppp</t>
  9. Np shamac, thanks for your work !
  10. Re: Wts Epic max speed Gible <t>100k....</t>
  11. The second part of the video is here ! Btw channel is now update
  12. Re: Fat-Ot Shop - Pvp and Cheap poke Inside - Start your region with a good poke ! <t>Big update ! Only new poke !</t>
  13. This item already exist and i use it : :Angel: But i admit, a pkm counter in the game can make it easier :Light: I am agree but we have to do an other actions, and if u repeat this action like 8000 times.... Its kinda boring x)
  14. That take time and 'effor' to use a exterior counter, u need to do an other action... That why i propose a counter implanted in the game, like the Pokewatch in Platine version. I just suggest this to encourage people to hunt and stay/play more to the game. Its always cool to see your "steps" when u are hunting.
  15. Hi, that could be very cool if u can add a poke counter ! When we are farming or hunting for shiny its always cool to know how many pokemon u found ! So if u can add a counter who will add +1 at each new poke encounter , that would be awesome !! This item/system could be found in the shop with coins and/or pvp coins. Is it possible ?
  16. Ivs re roll is in the game so why not nature re roll ? Its seem logic
  17. So why I must be in disadvantage with people that got a good nature, and that they can even get a better one?. Agree
  18. Staff op <3
  19. [mention]Thor[/mention] Im agree with the monney sink but why players who play with poke who need consumable items should be disadvantage ? Its hard to find focus sash, and the price of 2 pvp coins i way to high ! We should be able to buy 5 focus with 2 pvp coins at lest. Same for ballon and wp.
  20. Not gonna happen. Some things have to be hard, we can't just let players reroll their legends with no effort. I don't really like your idea, I'm not agree to make it via pokedollars in a randomizer, or hunt poke. First generally if u want a legendary with epic ivs its for pvp so pvp coins is a faire way to rendomize the ivs. Second the game is not very clean, there is lot of cheater who hunt with bot, they can buy what they want on the market without any effort so its normal to not give all to these cheatters. Pvp coins is a faire price.
  21. Re: Epic Ada larvitar <t>10m ! lol...<br/> 300k</t>
  22. The idea is not bad for sure but.. First we have legendary and then ? all the poke ? Im ok with the idea but care the snowball
  23. Nice ! I love watching shinies team and more when the player are good ! Good luck with your Channel Thanks mate ! I really appreciate your support :)
  24. Update ! A shiny char top 1 in blue ladder ?
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