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Everything posted by Fatmanclt

  1. Pls update the bracket, I can't wait to fight :o
  2. Stall and offense are good in the Pro meta tbh. Don't forget that unaware is not code so offense team in Pro are more powerfull than in the real game/showdown tbh. I don't think its a move like sub who will break the meta, but for sure that will be cool if he can be code. I think there is lot of stall team because its more easy to play stall, and its harder to play/win with a offensive team. And imo its the miss of the team preview who give a advantage to stall team. If u play a offense team, u need to know witch poke will be your win-condition, and without team preview u can't know. And without team preview, offense vs offense are totaly a 50/50, u can let die your win condition without know the rest of the opponent team, and u will lose. That's why stall is "better" and more "sure". There is long battle with stall team, u can take the time to know the opponent team. If team preview is implanted, that will be a meta breaker. Sub will not. If u are fed up about stall, ask for team preview and build a good team. And pray about the fact that unaware will never be code.
  3. Update! U can see the team with more details and Steven got destroyed, u can see the video ! Hf
  4. This team doesn't work with all the boss because some have difficult lead. For exemple, a boss at johto lead with a milotic and he have a move who can reduce the accuracy. Lance need a specific lead bc Tyrantrum will die with headsmash. Ect But I think the team can be improve, Drifblime is useless because baton pass is bug so there is one slot available. So we can imagine the team without Drifblime and One specific poke for some boss, then the team will be perfect for all boss. I will try to find/share the good poke who is needed for each specific boss.
  5. [mention]Holigans3[/mention] I think jumpluff is good yes, u should outspeed all the pokes
  6. Im happy that u like the strategy mate :) Good luck with machamp but care to critical hit and u need to be fast too.. ( I used Crawdaunt because he can't take crit with shell armor + he can learn dragon dance )
  7. XD Why I forgot to explain the Quagsire focus sash strat who resist to a grass critical hit lol... U don't even know how critical hit work then pls don't comment for nothing... Hf
  8. Me : Hit by a critical hit Hf mate, too bad u don't understand :)
  9. All the "strats" u said are not "viable" because u can take a critical hit and lose the poke who is set up at any moment. Thats the goal of the videos, to show a better strats than yours ...
  10. The goal of the videos is : destroy boss without medics with a sure team I don't want to take random crit and use revive or potions. If u don't understand i can't do anything :/
  11. Bro I don't think u really understand how critical hit work :/
  12. yeah a grass atk crit don't kill him sure :Cool:
  13. U can still take a crit and lose after your are set up. And this team work for 90% of the boss btw, not only this one.
  14. Mhhhh critical hit u know??
  15. </SIZE> BOSS ARE HACKED <i></i> Did u imagine a team who destroy 90% of Pro Boss without use any medics ? Pokes u need Boss Destroyed U can see the link of the video of each boss, its always the same strategy. If u need a specific poke to beat a boss, I will notice witch poke u need next to the link. <SIZE size="130">Kanto Johto Hoenn Sinnoh Hope u will appreciate, if any questions, don't hesitate im here :)
  16. Minimize should increase the evasion by 2 stages, atm this atk boost only one stage.
  17. When the tournament re start ?
  18. More or less yes, that took me like 7 days.
  19. Re: ► Spawn Repel Trick ~ All known pokemon spawns [NEW spawns ~ 8/26/2017] ◄ <t>Cottonee is ms only bro</t>
  20. Sinnoh was the main project during long mounths I think. Pvp update would come in the futur I think but staff do their best so don't wory. Red work on the spawn, Thor added lot of new systems. Sinnoh need to be finished /balanced then perhaps they will think about pvp. We also have a tournament atm.
  21. Can be lock, the black dog have nasty plot. Did't know that. Need to find a better strat.
  22. [mention]TheAkalli[/mention] thanks mate :)
  23. Big Update :o
  24. I can confirm that the market have hard shut down. I stop played when 1ms was sell for 1M, now u can find one for 350-400k. Good job to staff, hope that will continue.
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