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Everything posted by Xdzin

  1. yes ... but i think it will come back, they will just fix some bugs
  2. time is up, aggregor30 won
  3. b.o 400k by agregor30
  4. s.o: 400k Min bid: 100k insta: 2m Duration: 2h after starting Pokedollars Coin Capsules: 400k Reroll Tickets: 700k Nature Reroll Tickets: 350k
  5. @Agregor30 win
  6. b.o 600k by agregor30 +15min, last 15min now
  7. b.o 500k, 13min
  8. b.o 400k 1h 25min
  9. 1h 38min https://relogioonline.com.br/temporizador/#countdown=01:39:00&date=2020-10-21T16:33:21&title=gible
  10. b.o 300k by leo1019
  11. started, last 2h
  12. s.o: 200k b.o: Min bid: 100 k insta: 1.5m Duration: 2h Pokedollars Coin Capsules: 400k Reroll Tickets: 700k Nature Reroll Tickets: 350k
  13. Venusaur bought by @iShowGood
  14. Scizor bought by Fjcatchem
  15. 3.2m by @Alcantara010, 27h
  16. Chansey boughty by Veliox
  17. https://countingdownto.com/?c=3270967
  18. started, good luck, the time will be 66 hours as I talked about finishing 6pm (GMT -5) + 48h
  19. if you are from the gold server you should come and get the pokemon in silver, or pay 1cc so that I can go back and forth s.o: 3m b.o: 3.2m by @Alcantara010 Min bid: 200 k insta: 7m Duration: time to finish at 6pm (GMT -5), plus 48h example: the auction started at 4pm so the duration is 50h Pokedollars Coin Capsules: 400k Reroll Tickets: 700k Nature Reroll Tickets: 350k
  20. up
  21. it was nothing, sorry
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