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Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. awesome work!
  2. WTB Jolly h.a. Dragonite - big budget
  3. +1
  4. Haxorus
  5. Username: uuulllaaasss Server: Silver Country/Timezone: Austria GMT +1
  6. Uuulllaaasss, good luck in the future
  7. In-Game Name: uuulllaaasss Discord Tag: Ulas#3816 Server: Silver How often do you use Discord? Daily What is one suggestion you have for PRO Discord? remove dakivids roles :feelscomfyman:
  8. I lead off with slowbro and killed the entei. Afterwards all the pokemon that i switched in replaced the mons of the boss (screen). Whenever one of my mons died it also removed a pokeball of the boss' gui. After 4 mons died I couldnt use any moves on my mons anymore.
  9. gl on whatever you are gonna do now J'ai mangé mon chat btw :feelsbaguetteman:
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