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Everything posted by Cyanirl

  1. Delibird Preferred abilities: All 3 are good, depend of your set ! Note: Delibird is a good suicide lead with spikes, rapid spin and counter/destiny bondn Icy Wind is also a good move to lower the speed your opponent and break sash ! Other set: Hustle, Adamant nature, with Choice Band, It has good matchup vs lando, tornadus and Garchomp, since it has access to ice shard that ko Landorus impish after -1 atk and is OHKO after rocks if not intimidated, OHKO offensive Garchomp with Ice Shard, and OHKO tank chomp with Ice Punch, Tornadus cant switch it. Brick Break is a really good move since it ko any Tyranitar, (has a 43% chance to ko relaxed Tyranitar, and is a OHKO after rocks) As last move u can use Drill Peck if your team is weak to Venusaur, but can also use Gunk Shot if u are weak to Clefable, or Destiny Bond
  2. Yo im selling this s.o. 1m mini bid 150k insta 5m 2days auction accept cash cc:400k rr 700k
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