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Everything posted by Nakofum

  1. Auction ended.
  2. Alright, auction ends in 1day and 8h17min.
  3. Insta has been added.
  4. Bump
  5. Alright the auction will end on the 6/06/2020 19h40 GMT+0, please correct me if i'm wrong. glgl
  6. Holà, I hope you're all going well. I've finally decided to sell my baby, some informations about this auction: Reroll ticket = 700k Coin Capsule = 380k AUCTION OPEN ON BOTH SERVER C.O: Insta by timclib. INSTA: 10M. MIN BID: 500k. END: 06/06/2020 19h40 GMT+0. Good luck for bidding. Discord: Nakofum#1891 In-game: Nakofum
  7. Player name: Nakofum Showdown name: Nakofum Server: Gold Timezone: GMT+2 Rank on ladder: 4
  8. Username: Nakofum Server: Gold Country/Timezone: France / GMT+1
  9. Holà, I've done 129 games in Ranked PVP this month. And you know what ? I didn't meet any Landorus-Incarnate. I also didn't play it at all. And i'm pretty sure the amount of person who played/faced it is pretty pretty low. So I'm answering you, how should we do a suspect test if the mon is not even played ? I can bring some arguments which will be totally theoretical (like your ban baton pass, because apparently only 4 players on both server know how to play it), or I should also give some arguments from Smogon, but will they really work ? No, because we're on PRO. If you want to do a real suspect test, prepare a procedure, a process so that the mon is tested in a good and fair way. But this thread is, in my opinion, absurd, with all due respect. Fum.
  10. Holà, Just a little suggestion here, I think a channel "rate my team" or "help to build", could be pretty interesting for beginners (also for more advanced players), they could show what they builded, and the community would answer how to improve etc. That's also a way to share some sample teams too, when you don't know what to play, you've literally no team to begin with. No offense the current samples teams are pretty outdated and will (almost) never lead to a positive winrate. I don't think that's hard to implement, and that could be a cool feature !
  11. Player name: Nakofum Showdown name: Nakofum Server: Gold Timezone: GMT +1 Rank on ladder: 9
  12. Hi everyone, I almost played every possible playstyles available on PRO (except maybe sand). And I came to a conclusion that matchup mostly decide the issue of the game. Whatever the playstyle you're using you have good/bad matchups which you can +/- be handled, but at this point, I assume baton-pass as the ability to handle a lot of matchups even some bad one with outplays, but i can certify that stall handles even more (not to complain for ban stall, just a fact). Taking in consideration things on Pro are not coded well, there is some +/- for baton pass, but I'm assuming there is more cons : Cons: Protect, Baton Pass (anticipation each time you wanna use), Intimidate (yes, you can't use it if someone intimidates you before you pass) Advantages: Speed Boost (possibly goes +1 when another mon faints, but it doesn't work everytime) I heard a lot of things these past days about baton pass. Some are saying that an average player with an average team will mostly loose to a new player playing BP, this is FALSE, refering to Prehax informations and the skillcap needed by bp on Pro. I've also heard that to beat BP, you need specifical counters, which EXIST, by "specifical counters" it was mean some things that aren't even usually played. THIS IS FALSE, and i'm gonna prove you it now. Here, is a link of one of the games from the final of ladder tournament, assuming those 2 people know how to play. One player is playing baton pass (will be named player 1), the other (player 2) is playing pretty classic team with 5 mons in top 25 Usage + Tangrowth which I also consider in top 25, refering to 4 last month. I'll let you some seconds/minutes, to look at the game, try to understand what plays have been made, what matchup is favorite etc... First view, the player 2 doesn't bring what we can call "specifical counters" of baton pass, he just brought some most used mons. The player 1 won. How he won the game ? because baton pass is op ? because baton pass destroys every non-prepared matchup ? No. if this game was played on PRO or baton pass is not to his advantage, I assure you that player 1 would have lost. There is another thing we can see, the player 1 doesn't play togekiss with BP, but togekiss is op with BP ? No, togekiss suffers from a lack of consistency, he may excel in some battles where he will flinch, but if he doesn't flinch and miss, the game will be over. When you play pvp, you can't rely on the success of a probability too much to do and that doesn't depend on you, it's the same as being against the competition itself. Togekiss is very strong when he flinches, but he's also mediocre when he misses and doesn't flinch, that's why relying on him as a pass stick is abusive, lacks consistency and knowledge. So, what conclusion should we take about this ? Specifical counters exist, and work against BP for sure ! But you don't absolutely need them to beat BP. BP will destroy its opponent if it had favorable matchup, like EVERY other playstyle. +1 for most of the things that Prehax said. I might comment again if some others things that hasn't be said come to my mind. Fum.
  13. In-game name: Nakofum Server: Gold Pokemon ID and/or screenshot: 34401747 Delevel service. Thank'u by advance.
  14. To be honest 100k is pretty low yes, but find a price who can balance it, is pretty hard.
  15. Hi, Firstly i'd like to thank the staff for listening to our suggestion, since the legendary save was one, and is a pretty interesting feature for people who wants to pvp and change team frequently. But the problem is that each time I want to change my pvp team which has a legendary i've to pay 50k. It means that each time i want to enjoy myself by change playstyle i've to pay 50k ? Do you know how many times a day we change team ? For me it's from 3 to 5 times. So each day i've to spend 150k to 250k for only enjoy to play pvp with legendary ? Obviously, that sounds idiot, doesn't it ? What I suggest is: 100k fee to save a set, and free load. The goal of the feature is to use it, not to just say we implemented it, but if you want use it you've to loose money. Remember that 1pvp coin = 3k - 5k, and spamming the same team for like 1h30 at least, is very very annoying. To be honest this feature is already a huge progress, just think it as you would use it as a pvper.
  16. last bump, if any interested !
  17. Auction is ended, if @JohnnyGrossbatt you could contact me discord, then we could find an appointment for the trade.
  18. bump, almost 2hours before end
  19. Just a remind, this ferrothorn can be sold on both server, I might transfer if it is sold on silver.
  20. Alright, auction might end at 1:12PM GMT + 0, the 5 April. Good luck !
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