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Everything posted by Nakofum

  1. Hi guys, I'm selling my ferrothorn. The auction will last 1 day after the first bid. S.O 1M5 Min bid 100k Insta 3M Gl for bidding guys. Ing: Nakofum Discord: Nakofum#1891
  2. Hi guys, I wanna sell my azumarill. Auction will last 1day after the first bid. S.O 700k Min bid 100k Insta 2M Good luck for bidding Ing: Nakofum Discord: Nakofum#1891
  3. Nakofum Gold Server Rank 1 Showdown name: Nakofum Timezone: GMT+1
  4. bump !
  5. nice shop
  6. Bump !
  7. ahaha, ty bud
  8. Sup, I'm going to sell my sassy ferrothorn, I hope you like it. auction rules are pretty simple: c.o 1m500k bid : 200k Insta : 3m 24h auction after the first offer.
  9. BUMP, it's good to see that the problem has been handled in 2hours for someone else, and even in 3days i've no answer.
  10. Very nice idea, I permit myself to bump it. But ngl, we already saw by the past the interest that staff showed forward pvp, so i'm not waiting anything from them. It could be a very good feature.
  11. Light ball is an item that double Atk and Spatk stats of pikachu.
  12. Bump ! I really would like experiment the island before the end of season please
  13. Sup, I actually meet a problem on gold server. Last season I played pvp on both servers: one account in Chaos guild on silver. one account in Ascension guild on gold. The problem i encounter is that my gold guild Ascension achieve to be top3, and i don't remember my exact rating on gold but it was like 200+. Then i transfered from Silver to Gold. And... I can't acces the guild island on my gold account sadly. If you could do something, i would be glad ty !
  14. Player name: Nakofum Showdown name: Nakofum Server: Silver Timezone: GMT+1 Rank on ladder: 6
  15. epic means 20+ on stat which aren’t lowered and useless. I think you’re doing fake advertising here <<
  16. PLAYER CATEGORY Smartest: Idkup Friendliest: Aggs Funniest: Sc4rletWitch Coolest: FastedCorsi Comeback Player of the Year: Hizas Most Talkative: Astro Most Trustworthy: shadyshiftry Most Helpful: Sghir Most Missed: Araragikun (when he stopped) Most Influential: Exclusivez Most Intriguing: Sc4rletWitch Most Experienced Player: kboww Best/Funniest Username: W4lrossK4stani3 Most Professional Guide Maker: Waleed1301 Most Professional Discord Moderator: Waleed1301 BEST BRAZILIAN SPECIAL CATEGORY: x1tus STAFF CATEGORY Best Mapper: Tempa Best Artist: YuiFelwood Best Content Scripter: MagicGuard Best Community Coordinator: Shinohara Best Moderator: Senrosia Best Trade Moderator: Tigerous Best Game Master: Epiales Best Admin: Red Best Developer: Cames Best Staff Username: Caged Most Professional Staff: WalrossKastanie Most Dedicated Staff: Funniest Staff: Cames Friendliest Staff: Caged Most Honorable Former Staff: Shamac Most Missed Former Staff: Shary
  17. If someone said he will post insta 2h before auction end, he has to respect it, then i don’t know how the rules are established to handle the case he didn’t respect what he said. That’s why I tagged Tigerous, he will take the decision.
  18. When people stay awake to check the insta price, and just lost hope since it is not added. Yes it can change the issue of auction.
  19. @Tigerous The insta has been added 40minutes after the hour said. Can you check the viability of the auction ? thank you.
  20. no insta added ?
  21. That's just a typical example to show that manaphy isn't overpowered. You can stop it defensively: Chansey (if not rain dance), Clefable unaware (if rain dance), Gastrodon clear smog (if no energy ball), Calm tentacruel mirror coat, Calm mantine mirror coat. I will not give more example, i think people can think by themselves too. First you are speaking of a specific main play, where rain + rocks are setup, when aurora is setup, when screens are setup etc. But hey, when you're playing against someone, do you let him really put rain, rocks, screen without doing anything ? When you begin a game you fix a gameplan, if you see a rain manaphy against you, and you have an unaware clef, you just have to analyze the gameplan of your opponent that seems pretty logical there, and adapt yours to never let it happen. That's exactly the same thing, when you'll fix everything to let your last poke sweep. Manaphy is an incredible sweeper, I agree, but manaphy alone, can't do anything against a little prepared team. I think i'll repeat something that people already said, but, if your team is 6-0 Manaphy, your team is bad that's all, the same as if your team is 6-0 Volcarona etc... When you build you have to check if your team can handle certain menaces, if it can't then you have a problem. Try to anticipate that kind of gameplan where manaphy is under rain, where volcarona is under sun, and see how to react appropriatly. To be honest, I don't even think my opinion will help to convince you about this topic, if 13pages didn't achieve to, I don't think i'll, but hey, if manaphy was really so strong why isn't he played in 100% of the ladder tournament and top ladder teams? It isn't for the reasons I said before.
  22. 252 SpA Manaphy Surf vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Clefable: 135-159 (34.2 - 40.3%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery That's all for me.
  23. Sold. Can be closed.
  24. I don’t think it should be easier, this underground can be done with adventure mons without any strategy. I think it should be more difficult. but i can only agree on it to take less time, hey 3hours/day is so huge guys, if you have a work/family/irl stuff this is literally not possible. Since part 2 not released, just waiting for new ways to get xmas currency. Just for information, 40hours = 400€ minimum, soo the choice is quickly done in terms of money.
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