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  1. @Gynn just dex? Ill do for free just pm in dc when youre online.
  2. That's understandable. Thankyou for the response. Guess I'll stock up on some rerolls from now
  3. .
  4. hello, I used a reroll on my zapdos not knowing that only past 3 IV sets can be brought back. My zapdos used to be like this and i tried to get an HP ice set. But after only the last IV reroll i realised that only previous 3 sets can be brought back. Is it by any chance possible to bring back my 31 31 set? It was honestly a mistake and I never expected this would happen. I hope someone could help me out.
  5. Reopened
  6. Closed
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  7. +1 (although im indian and dont speak hindi)
  8. its quite difficult to keep a track of all pokes i lend to other players. Sometimes i worry if i traded instead of lend when i find some pokes missing in my PC. If it showed somewhere which pokes i lended, to whom and when it will return it would be great. This data can be shown somewhere in the PC, or the Hope other players could relate to this issue.
  9. Hello,I request to change this sequence to such a way that Vermillion City comes first, every time i misclick and go to alto mare and spend some money unnecessarily. Even priority-wise I think Vermillion comes first since i could just walk to alto mare in 15 seconds. Kindly consider this request, Thankyou.
  10. As the title says, i wish there was a way to change the type of pokeball of legendary pokemons. Generally ppl use masterball and it looks quite boring to see it over and over. Only if there was a in-game quest through which one could change the pokeball of the legendaries. Could even be a event quest, but atleast it should be there.
  11. Dextrax


    issue solved, the guy came back
  12. Dextrax


  13. @Olker, as i mentioned above, people might not spend so much effort to buy ratings while the cool down exists unless the reward is very valuable. If the reward at the end of the month is around a value of 40k, it makes no sense in buying so many ratings for even half its price, because he might have to spend around 20k minimum(my assumption) and find enough players to sell him all these ratings(which itself is a frustrating task). I do believe this will counter the money for rating issue. @Isildurr2x, I was thinking maybe if people with very low rating in pvp may get a lower priority in matching pvps, people with very low rating in trade may get longer cool down to send text in the trade chat, whereas very low rating in All or help chat must get a cool down to send messages in the respective chat just like we do in trade chat. This idea might also backfire if people do get to abuse the rating system, so currently my best opinion is to just show a reputation indication in every players trainer ID while having no consequences in his gameplay. People trying to get the lowest rating is also conserning in this case. But even with no rewards, if someone tries to get 0 stars, if they behave poorly intentionally in PVP,Trades or in chat they risk the possibility of getting reported or later banned or get ignored in the case of blabbering in the all chat. For a better understanding, this rating will be like the imdb movie ratings, it only tells the people how good the movie is in popular opinion, here this rating just shows how good of a reputation he/she has in the game in terms of PVP, Trade or in the Chat systems. It dont affect you in any way even if you get rated poorly by the entire server. @Acetzy, Maybe try behaving nice to other players like you always do and help each other. @Lyn1311, I have tried to consider a counter for all the ways it could go wrong but we cant say anything unless it is tested.
  14. @Olker, @Avanox2and@Lacomus, Thank you for your opinions. The system I have in mind do have these above mentioned faults. I am hoping a discussion here might sort out some of these problems. Since everyone do agree the general idea against toxic players,The system I have shown is just a prototype and i hope you could pitch in some ideas to beat these problems too. Possible ways to counter these problems in my opinion are: 1. Salty players unreasonably rating opponents low in PVP. -Limit the number and frequency of times a player could rate others per day. (Eg; 5 ratings, with a cool down of 2 hours) This could significantly reduce the spamming of low rating by these Salty players at their opponents. -Allow only players with a minimum experience to rate others. (Eg; you require minimum 250 hours of playtime to rate other players.) In my general observation, 'most' experienced players act more matured in the game and don't get salty over a lost battle. 2. Exchange of Ratings for money. - If the above said cool down is set, it automatically makes it hard for players to sell 1 rating per 2 hours. (But then again, buyer can buy it from multiple people.) - Best way i find is to make it not worth to buy the rating. If the reward is like 5 rare candies or a master ball (a reward worth around 40k) and people don't usually sell nothing below a minimum price, lets say 2k, or its not even worth the time.So if a person buys like 10 ratings, he already spend 20k (half the reward). It would be worse than the system where players buy gems for $500 each for a chance of getting good items at item recycler. 3. If Toxic players outnumber honest/reasonable players. -I find this problem much similar to the 1st problem. So i hope minimum game play time and the rating cool down might sort it out. I only hope if these ideas don't find suitable please suggest any alternate ways or ideas against Toxicity. Thank you.
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