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Everything posted by Herovanged

  1. 31spd 25+ atk good stats Char, dm me on Discord Gomen'nasai#6811 or reply here.
  2. Dm me on Discord, Gomen'nasai#6811 or reply here.
  3. I dmed you via forums
  4. Is Exeggutor Hp fire?, and also i offer Staraptor for 90k and Breloom for 50k
  5. Dm me on discord if you got (Gomen'nasai#6811) or just reply here will reply asap
  6. What's your IGN? Herovanged How many hours do you have in PRO? 214 hours Do you have discord? Yes, Gomen'nasai#6811 How far are you in story? Completed Sinnoh How active are you in PRO? (How often do you play?) My playtime is atleast 8hrs per day Are you a PvP or PvE player? Or do you enjoy both? PvE...not ready for PvP yet.
  7. Yup Still have hard to sell ingame because i cant chat but its easy to sell if im not QuietBan Are u Interested?
  8. (Items) For Sale Kanto!!! RazorClaw=15k LeftOver=20k DawnStone=7k ThunderStone=750 PPUP=2k RareCandy=7k GhostCostume=50k IGN:HeroVanged Meeting:Kanto Im 5Days QuietBan i Can't Chat ingame So Message me Here GoodLuck!!!
  9. Buy Pelipper for Gengar i add 15k
  10. Offer Now (Start) 150k (Insta) 300k Bid Now!!! Bidding will end in 24Hrs
  11. Welcome To HeroVanged Shop Special Items Dusk/Dawn Stone 2x Rare Candy 7x Macho Brace 1x Ghost Costume 1x PsyDuck Hat 1x Announcement IGN:HeroVanged Meeting:Kanto Don't Forget to Offer my Poke's and Items Can't Chat in Game I Was QuietBan 6Days I Accept Items,Money,Poke,Etc GoodLuck Guys
  12. 150K Epic Iv 95k 75k 60k 100k 110k 30k 15k Also Selling Rc 7x 7k Each Meeting:Kanto Chat me Here I'm QuietBanned in the Game for 7 Days
  13. How much Feraligatr Johnto Poke Pm Me HeroVanged
  14. Hi My Name Is HeroVanged #1 HeroVanged #2 Age 16 #3 I Played Around 53++ Hours #4 I Used Discord Name: HeroVanged#8308 #5 Trading Profit Master!!! #6 I Used To Make Other Members happy Ill try my Best To Help Others Can Command what will i do Also #7 Nope #6 and #7 aren't Same Pls Ill do My Best to join ur Clan
  15. Recruit Me Sir Good PVP Player But i only have 2 lv 100 Pokemon Trying to Profit if u would Recruit me It Will Be Great!!!
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