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Everything posted by Bagv

  1. same lol
  2. 4
  3. This is my first time spiriting so ofc there will be mistakes. Now I present to you... the Beach Ball, the ball that increases catch rate while on Vulcan Island (and any other summer related maps) with summer coming up and having a pokeball themed contest, I couldn't not create this Now imagine a Gardevoir sitting on this
  4. Thanks everyone for participating. Trade is done. Can be closed.
  5. Auction ended! @Lacomus won please pm me my in game name bagv, or discord bagv to trade.
  6. Bump! Less than 7 hours left!
  7. noted, auction started 7:11 a.m. GMT -5 7/24/2023
  8. my first auction so go easy on me btw hidden power is ghost c.o. 109,382 by Lacomus min bid 1k cash only auction ends 24 hours after first bid
  9. wtb the bold venu
  10. giveaway when
  11. Username: Bagv Server: Silver Country/GMT: GMT -6
  12. dynamic punch powder snow avalanche fake tears last guess from me
  13. wring out powder snow avalanche fake tears
  14. Hi I want to purchase this marill
  15. lucario raikou mimikyu charizard darkrai typhlosion
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