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  1. Excellent doc Tubzz
  2. Far from the market idea, an alternate trade canal where only decent/epic pokes could be sold and those selling shit banned would be already good. Or even just give us a blacklist option so that i don't have to read that 150698 message of the litick guy selling trash for high price would be good too.
  3. Hello, i'm interested in Gliscor, and Togekiss from Immimo. Can you contact me on discord (Zayndrel#7101) or Ingame Sahm
  4. For tangrowth : nature should be Relaxed. Can accept other natures depending on defensive quality / price. Def HP and SPDEF should be 20 or higher. Att and spe att should be 10 or higher. For magnezone: spd , spatk should be 21 or higher Hp should be 20 or higher. Other should be 15 or higher. Nature should be jolly or modest. I'l be present in the evening and night(GTM +1)
  5. Leppa berry only restores one move for 10pp, it does it for all moves now. when evolve a poke, and a little time after refusing, your charac is stunned in place for some secondes. It's really annoying...
  6. Hello, for deleveling please IGN: Sahm / Silver pokemon froakie lvl 99 id: 34865803 GMT +1
  7. Hello, i need a delevel please In-game name: Sahm Server: Silver Pokemon ID and/or screenshot: froakie id: 1861664 GMT +1 thx Thanks!!!
  8. Hello, changing the rules like that may seem easy, but the old players who farmed their epics easily will be advantaged and new players will find it even harder to reach the stage where they could pvp. And the rare/epic ones will be even more expensive that they are now (the common ones are quiet cheap though) but the epics ones....
  9. Hello, those tips are excellent yes. Here is another one which you can add. If you can't afford focus slashes which are quite expensive 2k/each is still quite high for beginners. You can take: a false sweeper + flash or any other accuracy reducing move.(mine is sceptile) Now, false swipe then the opp is 1h then, when you are close to dying, just spam flash until he kills you. You can now switch and the chances to be touched are quite low (dragon den is the best place imo) This technique works best when you have a lot of pokes to lvl up too, since there is a chance to be hit anyways, a back up isn't that bad.
  10. Hello everyone, i was surfing on the net, searching a way to improve my team and a found this smogon topic. Basically, people making a list of pokemons in OU based on the rôle they could play eg: sweeper, staller, pivot etc... https://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/usm-ou-role-compendium.3591882/ hope that helps you.
  11. Hello, i think this is a really good idea, making the pokemon in the boxes stay in the box we put them and not move back when we delete or take a pokemon in previous boxes would help greatly. Also, maybe make possible deleting multiple pokemons at once would be nice too.
  12. I just heard yes, but i didn't know nor did he, but in the end, i spent a lot of ressources training them too, but he's asking for refund even though it's his fault too, so i want the support's verdict and to how resolve this problem.
  13. Hello, i trained someone's pokemon, he gave them to me with the "lending" option. I finished the ev training but when i gave them back to him (with the option) he's saying that the Evs haven't been trained. Is this normal? Do i have to repay him?
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