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Everything posted by Squad

  1. Sure, just shoot me a pm ingame
  2. Yep, still got that amoonguss somewhere, feel free to pm me ingame or send me a pm me on the forums when i'm not online ingame.
  3. ill insta the second rotom-wash for 1.2m.
  4. Thread could be closed since its not worth to auction a ferrothorn.
  5. You won, let me know when you're ingame to make the trade.
  6. Clefable sold for insta.
  7. Willing to auction the following pokes. Auction ends 24 hours after the first bid and i can't cancel once it has been started. 31 Speed Mold breaker Excadrill Start 600k Insta 1M Current offer: Sold for 600k to NamelessHero27 Not the fastest clef but still good for pvp. Start 700k Insta 1M Current offer: Sold to XavierOP Good relaxed Ferrothorn Start 500k insta 800k Current offer: - I'm not willing to lower the prices.
  8. Bump, we're removing some inactive members so there will be a few spots open.
  9. Nothing gamebreaking but i thought i'd report it. Seen some related topics about icicle crash on sneasel but none about the tutor in tutor heaven.
  10. Updated, none of the guss's are hp fire or ice.
  11. Please don't use misleading titles and post it the right subforum. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?forums/shiny-and-special-pok%C3%A9mon-silver.94/
  12. Action packed event
  13. x86 = 32 bit
  14. Bump
  15. Few more spots open.
  16. bump
  17. I guess ill bump this one
  18. Removing more inactive people right now. Make sure to put effort into your application for a good first impression
  19. Removed 2 inactive members 98/100 right now.
  20. Just a very social npc
  21. Removed a few people, few spots left.
  22. I really don't have the intention to be toxic or break it to ya but that scizor is worth 300k ish, Do whatever you want to do with this information lmao
  23. I've send you a friend request and invited you to the NoMercy discord.
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