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Everything posted by Squad

  1. 34m and 3 rare candies for pancham, you can bin that other creature
  2. What about 4 coin capsules, 12 pp ups and 27 oran berries. I might need a week or two to get the funds together.. let me know amigo.
  3. 1337k and 105 pp up
  4. 3.5m. Money is on Silver but i'll come to gold if needed.
  5. start, i'm on gold.
  6. Sure why not, takes approx a minute to fix and some people having a nuclear meltdown when it happens to them.
  7. I would like to see more action being taken against misleading advertisement. People saying a certain poke is 23+ when one of the stats is 11 as example or such things as 'epic, godly, best in server'. Update trade terminology to include epic and godly would be quite useful. Salem already mentioned that trades got reversed because the money wasn't on the buyers account that was used to bid, this is a really bad thing imo. One more thing could a link somewhere in-game with quick access to the rules. This is a thing for PVP rules so i don't see why it can't be made for trade rules.
  8. Might just start once there is a normal auction for this kitty.
  9. I always believed in myself that i would get 100 rating some day.... great update
  10. Looking for the following shinies, we can either trade for other shinies or i'll just buy them for reasonable prices. Metagross Espurr Wailord Tirtouga Eevee Squirtle Bulbasaur Charmander Cyndaquil Piplup Fennekin Snivy or emboar Tepig Froakie If you have top tier pvpable event pokes or shinies i'm willing to hear you out as well. Just send a pm to me in game (silver) or on the forums.
  11. Approx 6m-7m
  12. 20m-25m usually but it might take some time to sell
  13. If you ever want to sell the Zorua for a somewhat reasonable price feel free to hit me up, good luck with the sale regardless.
  14. Selling my shiny toxicroak. 14M Not willing to negotiate considering this is a solid price. It's currently on silver but i could transfer it to gold.
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  15. Too late lads, this topic can be closed.
  16. Agreed. This is 100% intentionally aswell to mislead players to keep them busy on this game.
  17. Honestly i've never showed any interest in the pvp scene but the pvp council thing seems to be dead content without the right attitude of certain staff members. Another thing i'm wondering; is it just me or does somebody else recognize stuff is being added to the game so people spend a shitload of hours into hunting those pokes. They spent all these hours into getting a pvpable pokemon because it's nice or overpowered and it will just get banned from pvp. I doubt it's because there is no research but the intention to waste peoples time on this game.
  18. closed.
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