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Everything posted by Squad

  1. Bump.
  2. PLAYER CATEGORY Smartest: Teerav Friendliest: Zeldawoot Funniest: Popinsmoke Coolest: Daicamax Comeback Player of the Year: Bill2 Most Talkative: Turles Most Trustworthy: Glogs Most Helpful: Nikhilnick Most Missed: Shinycelebi Most Influential: Smooge Most Intriguing: Fallen Most Experienced Player: Heroofthestreet Best/Funniest Username: Matherfather13 Most Professional Guide Maker: Waleed1301 Most Professional Discord Moderator: Purple I'm lowkey missing the content creator award. STAFF CATEGORY Best Mapper: Tempa Best Artist: Sirmeowington (halloween sprites were top notch) Best Content Scripter: Frucht Best Community Coordinator: Trolldaddy Best Moderator: Senrosia Best Trade Moderator: Tigerous Best Tester: Tangrowth Best Game Master: Logan/Nair Best Admin: Wally Best Staff Username: Trolldaddy Most Professional Staff: Logan Most Dedicated Staff: Nair Funniest Staff: Mustang Friendliest Staff: Nair Most Honorable Former Staff: Letrix Most Missed Former Staff: Nebulas
  3. Bump
  4. Unsure why Imgur mirrors won't load for other people on the forums but i changed it to Gyazo. It should be fine right now:)
  5. Feel free to close.
  6. Would you mind showing a screenshot of selling this poke for 10M, or can any moderator confirm?
  7. So why didn't you make a topic saying it was overpowered and that it should be nerfed?
  8. Kinda entertaining that the people that were openly bragging about how broken it was and how much money they were making are the ones complaining after the nerf.
  9. Sigilyph @ wondrous site
  10. Updated.
  11. Why do you keep changing the ending point of this auction?
  12. This thread is quite old bud, everything has been sold already.
  13. I'm looking for the following pokes in epic/godly conditions (20+). Jolly H.A. Garchomp (max speed) Relaxed HP ice Tangrowth Jolly Dry skin Toxicroak (max speed) Naive Protean Greninja (30 or 31 speed) Looking for the following shinies; Honedge Pangoro Totodile Volcarona Toxicroak Around 50m budget, if needed i can add shinies or godly pokes to trade.
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  14. Updated, removed some pokes that were sold and added some new ones.
  15. We'll trade in like 11 hours from here :)
  16. Lets wait untill the auction is over, i don't want to break any rules.
  17. Take care, hopefully you manage to get a new PC sorted :)
  18. Good luck selling, bump for guildie.
  19. Squad

    ABout Over Stall

    I love the amount of salt in this topic
  20. Bump
  21. Reduced some prices.
  22. Appreciate the offer however i feel thats a bargain. Haven't seen many epic hp ground volcas so far and even considering the 22 speed i think it's worth 7m+. Fake offer, approached you ingame after this post but you weren't interested.
  23. Excadrill sold.
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