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Everything posted by Dutchblazey

  1. Won by Rockstarjordan 1.4m End date = 00:37 GMT payment methods : pokedollar cc = 400k iv reroll = 700k nature reroll = 350k
  2. Current offer = 1.2m by Rockstarjordan Minimum raise = 100k End date = 24h ( 11:10 GMT) payment methods : pokedollar cc = 400k iv reroll = 700k nature reroll = 350k
  3. +1, i dont support bidoof cruelty. but we should have the option to submit from box specially for t1 wq's.
  4. ah well, if i cant sell it for a decent price i dont mind keeping it at all. maybe yours was not serene grace x bold or halloween? squad told me around 5-7m, iceflake said that it was around 3-4m if i remember correct. and its not like i am in need of money that bad that i would sell it for a mil, real hunters know how hard it is to find a toge like this. thank you for your reply and experience anyway.
  5. hey guys, i price checked it with solid shiny collectors. they told me around 5-7m, so i thank you for your offers but i will have to pass.
  6. Hey, i am taking offers on this halloween toge, can be send to silver (i pay the travel cost) i accept : pokedollars reroll iv 700k reroll nature 350k cc 400k contact me on forum, in game (ing dutchblazey) or discord Dutch#3632
  7. i found what i was looking for, thank you.
  8. Auction ends 24h after start offer. s.o = 1m minimum raise = 200k no instant price.
  9. Your welcome, i know how annoying it can be when u forget to screenshot things xD. lets see if i get this riolu :x
  10. 2.5m , would also like to confirm that i offered 2m before.
  11. thank you anyway!
  12. @Nguyen2509 i am looking for double atleast
  13. Sold in 4.8m , ty for your interest.
  14. i want to sell this Halloween gallade, let me know the offers in forum or in game In game name : wacht
  15. Closed.
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