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Everything posted by Dutchblazey

  1. @Nobito Congrats u won the auction, Please contact me to pick up your pangoro. Prefered via discord : Dutchblazey
  2. Hey @Doctile, Thanks for your fast reply, Yea everythings good here what about u. Greetings, Dutchblazey
  3. Hey, I would like to know if there are record of when guilds are created and if yes, id like to know the date of mine "Dominion" Looking forward to your reply, Dutchblazey.
  4. 1m 200k and a free cax @Elnaaz
  5. 1m 1k and 1 cax
  6. Looking for a shiny torchic or blaziken, Price we can discuss Contact me if u happen to sell one
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  7. @Mbksince the 24h is over, am i now free to do what i want with this absol? Since we got no further reply.
  8. @Mbk The original offer was as above, in the pm screenshot. I paid 1m and 50k to round it up. Feel free to let me know if theres anymore questions. Greetings Dutch
  9. Auction Shiny volcarona current offer = 6.5m by Rajkkapadia minimum raise = 500k end date = 13:15 GMT 24 August instant = 12m payment methods = cash
  10. Start, but didnt u try to get 15m first?
  11. 200k
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