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Everything posted by Dutchblazey

  1. dragonite has been sold.
  2. 1m or offer. 500k or offer. offer only. offers only, if you have interrest in any of them, please try to pm me ingame, or add me in discord Sono Clover#7105 <<< copy paste it. goodluck.
  3. ?
  4. Bump
  5. i even tried to play at my friend's house but couldnt still log in.
  6. Already tried, and it doesnt work. I guess my laptop bugged
  7. is there any other issue?
  8. hello @Midsommar i have checked if there where in anti-virus ( beside the default ones) i havent installed any anti-virs or firewalls, i turned off all of the any-vires + fire walls of the default setting, but somehow i still cant login. regards
  9. could someone tell me whats wrong?
  10. this is the screen shot.
  11. hello, 1.i have some issue's logging from my own Laptop. i have decent wifi, but it always shows ( connection lost, i will post a screen shot about that later) 2. i can login from any other device, like my phone, sister laptop ( which is even slower then mine thats te weird part ) . i've asked around everywhere but no1 knows what the problem is. so now its finally time to make a report about it. if anyone could help me with this problem, please contact me asap. thank you regards, Wacht
  12. hello guys, im playing for a foonguss/amoonguss, calm sassy h.a. i could trade you a XMAS dragonite or money ofcourse. we can always discuss the price pm me here or ingame. discord tag : Yourboss#7105
  13. but im i able to leave on my own next time?
  14. Ye thnx, I've tried the clean reg but that also doesnt work..
  15. I tried that already, doenst work. Yes people can pm me.
  16. Hi, has you can see, i tried to leave the guild, but i was unable to leave, and when im online, it shows that im ofline everywhere.
  17. test.mp4
  18. Hello, i discoverd that i've a weird bug going on my account for the past 2 days, 1. i cannot leave my guild. 2. i cant seem to be online or whatever, ( im online but it shows that im offline) 3. people cannot see my PM'S, for example, when i say Hi, It doenst show up for them, but it does for me. everything else works perfectly.
  19. +1 dislike v: mean iceflake
  20. @Xemoi get your point, that would mean to me it has more value then its actually worth at the moment. @duykhoa6665i denied 2.5m / 3m , i wont accept 2m Ill close this topic tomorrow so u guys can read this. I decided to not sell it due to Higher value expactations.
  21. sorry for the late update, Got multiple in game offers ranging from 2.5m to 3m. wich i all denied. Im still in doubt if i wil sell it all cuz i expacted higher offers.
  22. But ok then, if u say ur busy prove it, feel free to pm me all day ill log in so u get another chance to pick it up? ps. i am a guildleader, i am pretty sure i have more to do then waiting for a hour....
  23. lol sure, i litarly saw u pop up from time to time with no new message?...saying now that ur busy seems kinda weird
  24. @Hawluchaa After checking my discord and in game from time to time i managed to finally contact @Potato2, yet when i finally came to cerulean since he didnt even want to go to vermillion, he just ghosted me. Do i get permission to keep my ferrothorn or do we have to continue the auction or smth?
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