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Everything posted by Deita

  1. I'm selling one here https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/194785-hp-fire-venusaur-modest/
  2. 1m Start, 100k Raise 5m Insta, 48 Hrs cc = 400k, rr = 700k
  3. bump, still looking!
  4. hey, I can be contacted at Deita#0246 on discord or deita in game
  5. 8m Start, 15m Insta 100k Raise 48 Hrs CC = 400k, RR = 700k
  6. hallo big sir id like to buy some fishes
  7. Shiny Sharpedo, Xmas Swampert and Shiny Slowbro sold.
  8. Rotom, 3x 31spd Nidoran, 2x HP Fire Snivy, Torkoal, Scizor x3, Porygon, Cloyster, Bisharp, Altaria, and Blastoise sold.
  9. sure, my discord is Deita#0246
  10. Bump.
  11. How much are these?
  12. Events only, or pvpable shinys as well?
  13. WTB these 3. My discord is Deita#0246
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