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Posts posted by Deita

  1. Against all the odds and blood sweat and tears it is truly inspring. From the historical donphan beginnings to the great delibird museum of france It makes me think that hey maybe we can just be built different too if we dream big. Some people would say Master9 is the ultimate boss but I think that there's a new king in town and they will tremble with fear when they hear the squeak of his clown shoes coming.


    p.s. we will be behind verm to celebrate all the real bros are invited ofc!! :)))

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  2. 2 hours ago, Frucht said:

    I thought I will give my two cents here as a former Staff and quite the old player (some people might know me as Chris) as well, especially since this is just a unnecessary witchhunt at this point.


    Before I start a few words to @Belzebel: You are promoting 18+ content on your social media, including your Discord (Guild Discord!) based around a Pokemon game with a usually rather young audience for your own personal gain. In that case, money and attention. Feel free to deny that, but we both know the truth, I have known you for years. Here is the issue though. As soon as somebody does not agree with your opinion or dislikes you for named reasons, he is a hater, jealous of you or whatnot and you genuinely believe that you are doing nothing wrong. You also genuinely believe that Staff is targetting you, but the truth is, you break rules all the time and usually get away with a warning. Maybe you should start to reflect whether or not everyone else is the problem, or maybe you and work on it?



    Now, a few words directly towards the team. Staff in general has huge problems and did so for many years. Sadly, they did not get resolved and just got worse. Probably 2/3 of the team swapped entirely during my time and most of the people I actually liked to work with got so fed up that they left, me included.


    So, what exactly was going on? I will explain my experience and view, so this is subjective.

    Every decision has to go through @Walrosskastanie, if he does not like the idea, it will usually get denied. It is irrelevant whether the entire team proposes that it would benefit the game or not. In my case, that was CS stuff (basically everything you interact with, aka press spacebar), but it is not limited to that specifically. Some quality check is totally fine and needed, but you usually do not get through that easily. Most of the time, many pings and dm's were necessary to even get a response. Wally, I talked to you so often about that and it was an issue when I joined and when I left. You are massively overloaded and need to distribute some work/decision making to others not named @Cames who is busy enough as well. Somebody has to be trustworthy enough at this point.



    Next major issue:

    The team itself. Basically, the people.

    I am very sorry if i hurt somebody in this paragraph, but I always prefered telling the truth over being liked and pretending like all of you do great work and are there for good reason. Basically, half the team has the complete wrong intentions and the personalities you find there, showing especially when some got promoted to "higher" positions is just disgusting. For example, powertripping (which is rather common inside a specific role :d) ala God complex, threatening people to make sure they get banned ingame and from Staff for literally no reason other than them being mad at you. I got enough screenshots, but I wont publish that.


    Next up, a good amount joining as testers (sorry its just most common there than elsewhere) just for the rewards while not even trying to find a bug, reading the dialogue or anything else other than spamming through our scripts and saying its all working. On top of that, many new people completely unqualified for the position, in fact so much in our CS team that we had to introduce a new role called "Story Writer", because half of the CS team suddenly didn't speak even decent english. We started to break our own recruitment rules, accepted a bunch of people very, very immature, incapable of speaking understandable English in roles where exactly that is a necessity. It got to the point where we went from usually quite bugless scripts with barely bug reports, to the bug reports channel having hundreds of just grammar corrections for even the simplest sentences. This doesn't even include the huge amount of the dumbest bugs just showing that the CS didn't even check his script once for himself.

    Also, a bunch of people tried to force their opinion on in game decisions including certain PvP decisions for their own advantage. Somebody really needed a Excadrill, so has to argue that we have to add Exca to 3 bosses, Excavations and headbutt. On top of that, we also improve the tier of the spawn and give some reasoning, which doesnt even makes sense, but that is okay. (This example did not happen, but stuff like this sadly happened all the time and I talked multiple times with @Keita about it, it improved slightly)


    About the Staff - Player relation:

    If you actually think there is a very mature discussion inside Staff, you are wrong. Players are being made fun of, are being treated differently depending on how liked they are etc. Always was like this and never changed. For example, @Waleed1301 was the most active and one of the nicest people with a little bad backstory (not even close to being as bad as mine who exploited the game once) but was stamped by half the team as immature and annoying. @Keita wanted to give him a shot, but many threatened to leave the team or started insulting each other and him if he ever dares to join the team. And guess what, he got declined even though he would have been probably the best out of all the CC's right now. Fun fact, if you searched "waleed" in the general chat, it was so bad that they wanted to clear the entire chat when he almost joined.


    Another thing are all the empty promises. I get it, you work on something and get excited and make an announcement that it will come to the game soon. But it often takes months and in some cases years for it to happen, lack of communication and organisation in the team and the constant leaving/recruiting DUE TO all the issues. Did anyone ever wonder where Astrella is? I can promise you, this could have been finished a year ago, easily. People get the lead on the project, do nothing for months and then leave with no progress. Over and over.

    Talking about organisation, the events do not have to be delayed all the time, the team just got lazy and unorganized with last minute submissions. We often didn't even see the requested art before the event started.


    If you really care about improving any relation, you would have to kick half of the Staff team including many in higher positions, which will never happen, might even be impossible and therefore results in good people leaving and the ones with bad intentions staying. Its rather funny that everyone I knew with a good education, that I considered as smart, left one after another. I could name some impressive people I got to known there, but I will keep that private as well, they probably know.


    A good chunk of Staff also needs to be disrespectful and even insulting in public chats. Guys, you represent the game? If nobody knows you are Staff, then go ahead and act all monkey, but not as representatives. This is the actual witchhunt in this channel right now, but @Qeight isn't even the biggest problem there. Felix, personal message again, I told you to relax and be atleast a bit more reputable in public, you really have to work on this since the work you are doing is awesome. Funny enough, I was the black sheep for being especially disrespectful inside Staff for above named reasons all the time as well. But at the end, we are like this because we want to improve and work on the game, other than the people we get so mad at for getting in our way with their ego and stupidity.


    There is actually way more, but this is more than enough insight for people who want to know the current Staff situation and for Staff to hopefully realize why the community dislikes you so much. We have had such a good team back then and it all went more and more downhill in almost no time, but I told you almost all of it already.


    PS: Not proofreading this one, sorry for mistakes.

    Just wanted to say thank you for making this post, and hopefully more people will read it and give it some thought. I don't usually post in these topics because I feel like they are always unproductive and have so much unnecessary drama. Hopefully that isn't the case here, this post has my support and hopefully we can see some action to make this amazing game better!

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