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Everything posted by Saitaeia

  1. Hey and welcome! :D Hope you're liking PRO!
  2. Welcome to PRO! Hope you're liking it so far :)
  3. Re: Complete Pokedex [How to get every pokemon in PRO] <t>Curious (and sorry if I missed something) but I'm seeing a ton of Glaceons on trade chat. Any update on Glaceon/Leafeon?</t>
  4. Welcome! Glad to see you here on PRO. Hope you're having a fantastic time so far!
  5. Welcome to PRO! Hope you're having tons of fun :)
  6. Hey there! Welcome to PRO. Hope you're loving it so far! :)
  7. Hey! Welcome to PRO! Hope you like it! (And don't take Sai :P )
  8. Welcome to PRO! Awesome to see you already have some plans in motion. :) Hope to see you in-game!
  9. Hey there! Welcome to PRO ^^ Glad you found it :D Let me know if you have any questions!
  10. And now, for the ultra evolution... KAKUMETANAPOD!
  11. Welcome to PRO! Hope you have a blast here :)
  12. Welcome to the forums! (You're ahead of me in-game :P )
  13. Seconding this - the guides are very helpful :) Other than that, welcome to PRO! Hope you enjoy!
  14. Poland? :o Awesome! Welcome to PRO - hope you enjoy it :D
  15. Welcome! Not sure about the languages, but everything's always improving here. Hope you dig it!
  16. Hello and welcome! :D Be sure to scour even familiar areas. You might be surprised by what you can find ;)
  17. Welcome to PRO! I like the pun with your avvie and sig. :P I'm guessing you stream?
  18. Welcome to PRO! Ground is a favorite of mine - probably closely followed by water. I like big moves like Surf and Earthquake. ;)
  19. Welcome to PRO! :D Love the name ^^ Let me know if you need anything!
  20. Happy to see so many interested :) Feel free to add me! <3
  21. Welcome to PRO! You can find some help in the game guide forums, or other places. :)
  22. Hello hello! Welcome to PRO. I'm sure you'll love it here ^^
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