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Everything posted by Saitaeia

  1. Hey Polly! Welcome. :) Let's chat sometime!
  2. Hi, Lyuh, and welcome to PRO! :) Hope you like it here!
  3. Is it bad form of me to piggyback here looking for something similar? Let me know. If not, I'm on the hunt for a Sandile, too. :Cool:
  4. but what about trading? and battling random people? Grab an R4 card, put the emulator on a microSD card...voila, DS is ready to play (and battle, should the desire arise). As far as trading, I can't imagine it will be as open online as recent releases like X/Y and OR/AS are.
  5. Re: []~ ❣ Som's Sig Shack ❣ ~[] <t>Somes! :o Your stuff is rad! (I'm a little irked because you're younger than me...but... I'll try to be mature. *sniff*)<br/> <br/> Any chance I could hop in on a request? I'd love to offer a trade - I do some ink stuff on paper. My avvie is one of my pieces. :3</t>
  6. Ugh you guys are both great for doing this. :3 This is all super cute. Tuneful I want to see more! (And Kryru you know I like your stuff :D ) I'm def more on the ink side of things. Would be interested in throwing some ideas back and forth for practice and fun. :3
  7. Keep up the good work! I love the storytelling you have going on :)
  8. Little late, but welcome! :D I'm sure you're ahead of me, lol.
  9. Welcome to PRO! You're in good company :) Hope to see you in-game!
  10. Ooh. That's an interesting concept. I'd prob try that in Unova or something. Kanto - this stuff would be HARD.
  11. Just a couple of days! I tend to dive in and marathon...and I found out ways I can play at work. >:) (Two small pieces of advice: you can find Pikachu in the wild, and GET MORE THAN ONE GROUND TYPE BEFORE VERMILION FOR THE LOVE OF ---)
  12. Back at ya! I'm in Texas, so timezones may be an issue most days. If registration is open to newbies like me, I'd love to join. :D
  13. Hey, Kryru! Welcome to PRO! It's nice to see a fellow artsy type :) Hope to see you in-game!
  14. Very interested here :) Gotta get more hours under my belt!
  15. Hey Shika! That name looks familiar :o Are you...uh...Deadpool? Goats? Welcome to you, too!
  16. Welcome to PRO! Been around almost as long in the pokemon scene, I think :) hope to see you in-game!
  17. PUSHEEN! I'm wearing my DJ pusheen shirt right now. ♥ And welcome to PRO!
  18. Sorry - what do you mean by that? SuHu seems pretty nice so far :P
  19. Thank you, Nope! :) Been seeing you around on the boards. Any recommendation for a good usual place to chat about pretty nondescript stuff?
  20. Loving the fact that PRO keeps expanding. ♥ Question that may or may not be applicable to this: as an "endgame perk," will there ever be the option to start a game in another region, and explore from there? For example, for "round 2" after completing E4 in Johto, could there possibly be a second game for that same character in which they started off with Prof Elm handing them Totodile/Chikorita/Cyndaquil? Let me know if I should ask this in a topic all its own. :s
  21. Welcome! I'm about as excited as you are, I think :) Hope to see you in Kanto!
  22. Are there 2 accounts per email? Would love to see the rules that mention that. (Still trying to figure out where everything is here - sorry!)
  23. Uh, so this caught my eye off the bat. DEFINITELY excited for this concept. But - I like some of the secondary thoughts being thrown around. Especially things like Elucidator's last post: having more than two factions would make the game more dynamic. Pro: more variation to choose from; more in-depth than "good vs. evil"; could have a fantastic effect of large groups creating alliances/breaking them/plot points outside of the coding of the main game Con: complicated; might conflict with guild alliances (though that could be a plus??); I imagine the additional coding might be messy and larger than what the PRO team wants to do financial pro for PRO: with more factions comes more opportunity for buyable OR earnable merchandise representing the factions. Assuming 4, like the Hogwarts houses, you have four sets of things like hats, shirts, flags, possible mount accessories?? (Thinking like a "shirt" for a mount or something) They could even be divvied up into things that are strictly earnable within one faction through gameplay/achievements and/or pay/MS benefits... and then other options, like tiny flags, that you could buy regardless of faction. I'm thinking something like "Hi, I'm a hufflepuff and here's my ninetales mount with my HUFFLEPUFF MOUNT SHIRT, but my friend is Ravenclaw so I also have this tiny flag for Ravenclaw which I bought." Or, even more complex here, there could be items available through faction alliance achievements. Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs team up against the Griffindors and Slytherins, and there's a battle; G/S get little awards representing both teams, whereas H/R get their respectives ones, too. Of course, I'm coming from a mindset of back-in-the-day Neopets events/rewards. This stuff could be totally impossible... but it's neat to think about. *House names used in this post only for effect & reference. --- tl;dr - factions? Yes please.
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