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Everything posted by Saitaeia

  1. Welcome to PRO! Hope you enjoy it ^^ Let me know if you have any questions!
  2. Hi, Polyxena! Glad to see you here. Welcome to PRO - and I hope you love it! Let me know if you have any questions :)
  3. welcome to PRO! :) Glad you're liking it ^^
  4. Welcome to PRO! Hope you're diggin' it so far :)
  5. Welcome! Hope you're liking PRO so far. Let me know if you have any questions!
  6. Welcome, Graffy! Glad to have already seen you on the IRC chat. :) Hope PRO is treating you well!
  7. Welcome to PRO! Hope you're enjoying it here. :3
  8. Welcome! Glad to have seen you already in IRC. ^^
  9. Heck yeah motivation! It's the way to go. :) Welcome to PRO!
  10. Welcome, Meeko! Hope you're finding PRO as awesome as I did ^^
  11. Hey there! Welcome to PRO! Glad to see you here ^^ Hope you're digging it so far!
  12. Um yes, you are correct in the cuteness factor, and I hope you're including yourself :D I <3 this thread. ^^
  13. Welcome to PRO! Glad you're here ^^
  14. Welcome! Glad to have you as part of the PRO community ^^
  15. Welcome to PRO! Love the rival idea. :3 I'm already at e4 - if I were starting I'd race ya ;)
  16. Hey pani! Welcome to PRO :) Let us know if you have any questions! GL!
  17. Welcome, Eru! Hope you like PRO so far :)
  18. Well said. Why have 25 members if 20 of them quit? Also, welcome to PRO :)
  19. Dragons?! Good on ya. Welcome to PRO! Hope you have a blast. :)
  20. Welcome! Normal type? Noice! Not many dig that. Good luck and I know you'll do well! :)
  21. Wait out the timer :) And welcome to PRO :P
  22. Re: Complete Pokedex [How to get every pokemon in PRO] <r><QUOTE author="Gallifrey"><s> </e></QUOTE> Glaceon was available during the Christmas Event as a wild pokemon. No longer obtainable though.<e> </e></QUOTE> Thank you! Appreciate that info. Was having a heart attack. GLACEON? B-but HOW? haha</r>
  23. Eyo Twitch! Love this idea. Saitaeia, from PNW (Portland, Oregon area) originally and now in Texas. Artist and multimedia guru. Here's me!
  24. Was farming for 'em. Got, well, a lot. Not asking for huge stuff. Just 5k each as their matures/IVs aren't great. Level range is 40, 41, 42. Once the servers are up again I'll post more info. :) I logged out while in the Lavender Town PC. Will be checking back in - catch me fo sum cheap steel and psychic akshun. (aka, help me clean out my PC, and get yourself a cool poke) - Saitaeia
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