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Everything posted by Saitaeia

  1. Nice to meet you! And welcome to PRO. Have fun here! :)
  2. I really feel its best not to let other people sway your decisions so im going to wait and see if i should steer clear of you though i hope i dont have too (also why did you need to add the fact that you're cute and Korean?) this is why lol https://prntscr.com/a5dbk1 and btw I was kidding he's cool :y: Pics or it didn't happen, SuHu. lol
  3. Hey, and welcome to PRO! Hope you're liking it so far ^^
  4. Welcome to PRO! Hope you have tons of fun ^^ Let me know if you have any questions!
  5. Welcome! :D PRO is so much fun. Hope to see you in-game!
  6. Saitaeia

    new here

    Hey Beer - welcome! You should definitely introduce yourself on the board dedicated to it. :) you can find that here: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=19
  7. Re: Complete Pokedex [How to get every pokemon in PRO] <r><QUOTE author="leandruskis"><s> </e></QUOTE> This is a guide on how to <B><s></s>get <e></e></B>every pokemon in PRO, not on how to <B><s></s>see <e></e></B>every pokemon in PRO, otherwise I would also have to add all the NPC teams, and that won't happen. <br/> Either way, the info on how to see the dogs is here in the comments.<e> </e></QUOTE> If I could figure out how to "thank" you for this thread and this post in particular, I would in a heartbeat. (Super duper bonus cookie points for color coding!)</r>
  8. It should read as a queue like it usually does; not sure if bandwidth is the issue here. The issue is the login client is unresponsive, not just full.
  9. This is an awesome idea, though I'm sure you may get some flack for creating a Nintendo-themed product without their permission (even though it's free). C'est la vie, and here we are talking about it on PRO. lol What I could suggest is looking at large sprits available in later games - then simply moving them up and down. If you reduce the size of the sprite, you will get a neat look; you'll also be able to convey more "motion" of the pop-up Pokemanz without having to draw/animate your own sprites. Good luck! Would love to see this.
  10. Sorry about the issue :( Good to know, though, since I'm in a similar situation/plan. I'll let you know if I have any success. (Planning to max happiness with the fresh level 5 Eevee, then attempt a slow leveling process in Viridian with Slowpokes in oder to max Sp. Atk EVs)
  11. Also running into this issue for the first time - just now. My details: PRO Username: saitaeia Do you have active membership?: No Your knowledge about PRO: Intermediate Description and message: Same as GoldSonic mentioned: typing in username/pass leads to "Logging in.." and then "Connecting to server." After a moment, "Connecting to server." vanishes, and the fields clear; no login is successful. What have you done before the problem was there? Played as normal, have been able to connect to server enough to put in about 15ish hours since last Saturday. Currently next to Celadon city. No network issues on my end. Was AFK, and so booted; tried to relog and faced this issue. What have you already tried to solve the problem? - Attempt relogin - Restart PRO (6x) - Am about to restart computer, which means a fresh reinstall of PRO as it's a frozen-storage computer that flushes on restart
  12. First time interacting; tells player that the two-day grace period for completing a task has elapsed. Needs introductory dialogue. 2/17 8:14 am, TX time
  13. since you already have some kind of art to show, you can post and apply here: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=45&t=493 you might add some creations of your own, to show how talented you are. Was going to suggest this. ^ Keep in mind that a lot of the positions also ask for some proven time here/in-game (like "Must have at least 50 posts and/or 200 hours in game"). Make sure to check each position's application guidelines. Good luck! :)
  14. Let me know if you'd like an in-game buddy ^^ have some tips I wish I'd known, like the fact that you can't trade until after your fourth badge.
  15. Hey BBDIAMAN! Welcome to PRO! I'm sure you'll have a blast here :) (Also, Quagsire's pretty cool.)
  16. Hello, and welcome! It's addicting, isn't it? :P
  17. Re: []~ ❣ Som's Sig Shack ❣ ~[] <t>Aah, sorry for the late reply!<br/> <br/> Would it be possible to do something with a sandshrew? Nothing too complicated.</t>
  18. I'm aware that many of these, especially the grammatical ones, seem small...but I'm pointing them out in hopes that catching things even as small as spelling and grammar will help the immersive potential of PRO :) The more generic nature of this list is also why I put this under "General" rather than something more specific. Thanks though!
  19. 10. Celadon city: Guy behind trees, just east of Pokecenter (only approachable after clearing Game Corner): Issue a. "Hello, my name is 1212 I escaped the Rockets!" should be "Hello, my name is 1212. I escaped the Rockets!" or "Hello, my name is 1212! I escaped the Rockets!" or "Hello, my name is 1212, and I escaped the Rockets!" (also, is that really his name?) Issue b. "I work as a security guard. If I see a rocket come through that gate I burn them." should be "I work as a security guard. If I see a Rocket come through that gate, I burn them." (capitalized R in Rocket; added comma after gate)
  20. 1. When headbutting a tree and receiving a berry (tried in and around Viridian forest) the music cuts out for approx. 5-6 sec. This delay would be much better if it were reduced to 1 sec only. 2. The bed on S.S. Anne's healing script ended without punctuation. I forget the actual words but it was like "There, all done" and just needed a period or exclamation point at the end. 3. In battle: top right text says “Please wait..” This should include a full (three-period) ellipsis, which would results in Please wait…” 4. Bill (Bill’s PC, north of Cerulean) has an old man sprite. No one else in game has aged. 5. Rock Tunnel/Route 10 PC Doorway off-center; player lands one square to the left of the straight path to Nurse Joy. Doorway is the misaligned graphic. Screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/AUkk80y.png 6. Celadon Dept store stairs, starting on floor 2: When taking the stairs on the right side of that floor, it pops you out on the opposite side of the room. This is applicable to: - FL 2 -> FL 3 - FL 3 -> FL 4 - FL 4 -> FL 5 - (Rooftop is okay, but only with the assumption that the stairs do a U-Turn before landing on the rooftop) 7. Celadon Game Corner Rocket Grunt (right after the first moving puzzle; will re-check floor #) does not aggro. Also simply named “Trainer” (further evidence shows all the grunts in this area are simply called “Trainer”) 8. In battle item: Super Potion is written as “Super potion.” The p in potion needs to be capitalized. 9. Celadon city, west exit: the 3 policeman blocking the way. Second half of dialogue is “Please return” . This needs punctuation at the end - and could possibly use a rewrite. (“Please turn around.” “Please turn back.” “Please return to Celadon.”) I’d love to help on the implementation side of things. Let me know if I can be of any assistance! Saitaeia
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