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Everything posted by Saitaeia

  1. Welcome! I'm a newbie here too. Hope you're liking it as much as I am!
  2. Nope, I'm gonna stand up and hoot 'n holler at you. Trumpets and everything. Welcome! Hope to catch you in-game!
  3. Best of luck, and welcome! :) I'm a newbie here too. Catch you in-game, I hope!
  4. Welcome to PRO! You're ahead of me in-game, so no worries. :P
  5. Thanks, Marcylene! (Love your avvie/name btw - big fan of her.)
  6. Hey, welcome! I know what you mean about getting hooked on it fast! lol
  7. Oh! Forgot to mention. I also do a ton of ink-based art... here's one example. Would love to talk with you if you have ideas/requests for a piece or two :)
  8. Hey! New player on PRO, experienced Pokemon vet through the years (all the main games from R/B/Y through to X/Y and OR/AS). Typically a ground trainer, subject to nostalgia on the Kanto map (but especially on the Johto map. I'm absolutely excited to be a part of PRO. On another note, I'm also really awed by the fact that map-building is essentially open to anyone. This ish is awesome. I usually get some confusion about my name, so ahead of the game: "sigh-TAY-uh." You can call me Sai ("sigh") or Tayuh for short. Whatever works for you. :) Anywho, would love to meet y'all and hear some of your stories. - Saitaeia
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