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Everything posted by Diwakar1470

  1. The one and only mian thing for - Enough space for 2v2 and 3v3 fights. - Buttons for Megas, Z-Moves and Cancel a move. We need to implement the battle screen. This is our old or current battle screen in pro https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?attachments/img_20190114_104820-jpg.61979/&hash=0ce6bfc0b7e38e85b6aec52b357d8cf2 IF we extended the screen. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?attachments/img_20190114_105734-jpg.61983/&hash=0ce6bfc0b7e38e85b6aec52b357d8cf2 The full screen will be fit for 2v2 or 3v3 battles. If w increase the screen size in pro increases it willingly be like. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?attachments/cutpaste_2019-01-14_11-16-47-131-jpg.61986/&hash=0ce6bfc0b7e38e85b6aec52b357d8cf2 But we need an update like in the battle the first Pokemon appears then we select move and then second poke appers we select move and third poke appears we select move after enemy also selected moves the battle starts. This the idea I got I got any other I post and I want pro members and staff to see my battle UI. AND I AM SORRY I GOT THE IDEA TODAY BUT DUE TO TODAY'S SERVERS OFFLINE I HAV USED SCREENSHOTS OF OTHERS FROM GOOGLE and reply me it's good or not
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  2. thanks
  3. Hey guys I want to ev train my pokes do any sense the chat of ev training schedule of places and timings
  4. Hey squad do u have discord. If yes tell me your your Discord name
  5. I got first in bug catching but I got only 10k means 2n place it's not fair
  6. Is the eumi island permanent or temporary
  8. Bro another personal request I didn't understand about the new features of asking asking about participate in UI battles please tell me some detaily
  9. Bro another personal request I didn't understand about the new features UPI Battle please tell me some detaily
  10. Is there any Pokemon which can use role play and false swipe
  11. PLAYER CATRGORY Smartest: I mostly ask my doubts in forums only then tigerous and nebulas solve them because in game mostly won't no one respond. Friendliest:No one I found but I find only myself Diwakar1470 Funniest:No one but I will do in game during free time so Diwakar1470. Coolest:Tigerous because All are doing just pranks in game. Come back player of the year: Myself I left the game more than 1 year ago and came back 1 month ago. Most truthyworth:No one. Most helpful: no one but only some players some times only help. Most helpful: I myself check all and local chat to help others in free time so Diwakar1470. Most experienced: Diwakar1470 Best/funniest user name Diwakar1470. STAFF CATEGORY Best mapper:Dusky. Best artist:Aeolus. Best community coordinator:Nebulas. Best moderstor:waren Best trade moderaor:logan. Best game master:tigerous. Most professional staff:Rider. Most dedicated staff:Nebulas. Funniest staff:logan. Friendliest staff:logan.
  12. And I also had joined a auction I bidded last 3rd and last 95k but he started auction again
  13. Reply
  14. It working now thanks and I have a doubt I don't know the new features of the game from last 4 uodates please me the features of pro now
  15. Yes android phone
  16. I have updated the game few days ago and I am typing my Pokemon name in search bar in dex but it not working it was not searching the Pokemon
  17. But I asked as I using (I want some)
  18. I can't send you messages in discord you try to talk with me and tell me price for
  19. Why
  20. I want some best pvp untrained Pokemons do you have some
  21. I want some pvp best untrained Pokemons do you have some
  22. I want some pvp best untrained Pokemons do you have some for me
  23. I want some pvp best untrained Pokemons do you have some for me
  24. I want to contact you separately in discord. Your discord name please
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