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Everything posted by Harshtheking

  1. Just use leftover that's enough
  2. Wtb dex services IGN-HARSHTHEKING dex no -153,223,235 Pls contact me on discord-harshtheking#2672 ty
  3. He just tried to snipe
  4. Can login into dashboard with correct username and password it's shows wrong username/password every time and m quite sure I use correct password pls fix it asap
  5. Wynaut sold to @malltesers connect me at#harshtheking2672 in discord
  6. I accept them I need 25+ on spdef def and hp and rest 20+
  7. Malltesers started wynaut for 100k
  8. @OnlyTK won the auction for infernape in 500k contact me in discord harshtheking#2672 as soon as possible
  9. 4hrs and 30min left for infernape approx. Bid gys
  10. Ok registered 500k by onlyTK for infernape
  11. Ok registered @OnlyTK starts infernape 400k Auction lasts till 8:19 pm according to forums timing
  12. Conkeldurr S.o.-350k Min bid 30k. Insta 900k 12 hrs after auction starts Togekiss S.o.300k Min bid 50k Insta 1m 24 hrs after auction starts C.o.-450k Min bid-50k No insta Auction last till 12 hrs h.p.-water C.o. 100k Min bid 30k Insta 800k Auction last for 24 hrs after abbid S.o.-120k Min bid-30k Insta 300k Auction 6hrs
  13. Maybe add a good ski link shelder
  14. @HustleBank can I use sheer force conk with 31 atk or use Ada guys with 8 atk or catch new one
  15. Got gligars with poison heal after farming now i have a 31 atk 30 hp sheer force conk can I use it with life orb or I should use Ada guys only?
  16. S.o. -150k Bid-30k Insta 1m
  17. I want 1) a bold/calm drifloom 2) a impish gligar
  18. Is it necessary to get ha gliscor @HustleBank or I can use hyper cutter cause my ha gliscor is under 10def spdef and hp...
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