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Everything posted by Starlight

  1. What about being able to sell unwanted items (aside from things like nuggets and star pieces) to mart NPC? Items like spare vitamins ans recovery items, I mean.
  2. So basically the server is currently under maintenance and there's no warning or info about it? xD
  3. Starlight

    Rare Hunters

    Thanks for the invite :Smile:
  4. Starlight

    Rare Hunters

    By the way, I tried joining the chat channel "RareHunters", but it doesn't exist......
  5. Starlight

    Rare Hunters

    What's your GMT? I'm in GMT+7
  6. Starlight

    Rare Hunters

    Yeah, I want to join too :) Do we only need to join the channel in-game to join the guild?
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