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Everything posted by Hakunon

  1. Really sad that people got 5k pokes before everyone else, with no compensation for those who missed the oportunity, not that it's a problem but we already had to pay for the permit just to lose even more money for nothing...
  2. if you go into the game options they have settings to make the game run smoother make sure there are no ticks (no ticks = disabled) also try having the Limit FPS turned off to. it may help and also keep Vsync disabled to. vsync will also reck your FPS Yes I already know about these but it doesn't have anything to do with the fog some places have like the excavation sites, which is laggy and can't be turned off yet, and so i'm humbly asking for the option to turn off :Frown:
  3. Hello PRO Staff! As you may know, quite a few people like me can't afford for a good PC/laptop, so what we have at the moment doesn't have what it takes to run smoothly at parts of the game that have fog effects, and some times we have to spend time at those places to hunt or battle with bosses, and this may cause problems for some players. So may I ask for a button to turn off the fog since disabling Weather/Detailed lighting doesn't work for this?
  4. Roggenrola in Historical Site, guess is it a 5000+ discovery poke
  5. I can buy it with 7 badges, last time I tried I had 4 so it'll have to be 5, 6 or 7. Thanks! I'll guess 5 because that's when you can surf and fish so it would make sense as a "symbol of strength", needs someone to confirm.
  6. Prerequisite for Sludge Bomb is becoming Hoenn Champion as far as I remember
  7. Easier, get a good Poochyena early, train and use it for story, ev train it if you feel the need, and have it learn sucker punch. By the time you reach Deoxys you should have a lv90 Mightyena whom will OHKO Deoxys with Sucker Punch!
  8. The real problem is rollbacks, you cannot tell when it's gonna happen and it could be pretty bad like losing a good recent caught poke or npc fights or items you just bought without receiving the money back
  9. Problem solved, it was temporary it seems... Sorry for the inconvenience.
  10. PRO Username: Shiromon Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes On which server issue happened: BLUE What have you done before the problem was there? Logged off to go to sleep. What have you already tried to solve the problem? Restart the router and reinstalling game client and making sure the internet was ok. Description and Message My friend whose IGN is Shiromon is stuck at map loading and can't do anything. He can't remember where he was because he went to sleep when he logged off. Any mods that can place his character in another map so he can log in and check if the problem is gone? Thanks for the help beforehand
  11. Encore tutor/tm when you code? My Wobb caught in Cerulean Cave would appreciate it
  12. Re: Ingame BOSS [NEW BOSS JESSIE AND JAMES !!] <r>Welcome and good luck with your work! <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  13. They nerfed Steel Type in Gen VI to take normal dmg from Ghost and Dark Types if I recall correctly. As for Emolga I don't know anything, maybe he's bugged
  14. I was talking about this with some other players a while ago that has the same problem as yours, but evolved clefairy into clefable early. Every one agreed with this suggestion because not only this makes some pokemons useless because some of them don't have their pre-evos catchable (those Pikas people farm early on just to know later they can't get Nasty Plot, only with Pichus), and some pokes don't relearn moves even if it show they can (Parasect). At least put them with the Eggs Moves maybe?
  15. Yeah, a dedicated wall Tyranitar doesn't work so much because of it's typing, but Stealth Rock is very useful even if he is adamant and works well if you use him as a lead. As for Scizor, do what you think is best for your team
  16. Tyranitar is a good lead and you should try to fit Stealth Rock in there. U-Turn is nice on Scizor too. Maybe Thunderbolt on Starmie is better than Recover for more coverage and Starmie isn't too much of a stall poke
  17. Seismic Toss is a move that deals fixed damage based on your pokemon level. ex: lv100 Chansey will hit 100 with Seimic Toss. Same with Night Shade
  18. Low priority, but would love so much if they implement this
  19. Most of them will be implemented when Hoenn comes out I hope.
  20. I think they are going to make an Auction House, so one can set a buy out price and you can buy it from another place i guess
  21. Hakunon

    Vs. Seeker

    Again, I don't think this is good for the economy of the server because players will stop playing games because of inconveniences like this one. The resetting NPCs are the only thing that I see players getting enraged about frequently, and maybe in the future you will be as well because it grows on your mind without you even knowing it.
  22. Re: Updated Dig Spots! *Informations, treasures and more" <t>Found an UpGrade in route 15</t>
  23. Hakunon

    Vs. Seeker

    Why are you editing my quote like that just to make yourself look right?
  24. Hakunon

    Vs. Seeker

    I don't think in-game currency affects the server this way and I don't think players would donate just to ride the subway, but you are telling us we have to grind to skip npcs fights? Bad logic right there. Sometimes we need to go to a route/cave like and not the cities, so the subway won't help with that. As for supporting the game, many players have many reasons to stop playing games, and enraging over time by one of the game aspects is one of them. So less players = less support. I'm not telling I want to stop playing the game myself, because I think the staff are doing an incredible job, but things like this would make the game much more fun for us.
  25. Hakunon

    Vs. Seeker

    Yeah, I know this may take a while to do, I'm patient with these kind of stuff, but if the staff could do it it would make a lot of players more happy with the game. I have seen A LOT of people that stopped playing games because of inconveniences like this one and it is really a problem.
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