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Everything posted by Norex

  1. Duration: 24h after first bid Start offer: 300k Min Bid: 100k Insta: 700k Accepted payments Coin Capsule = 450k Reroll Ticket = 500k Contact Ingame: Norex Discord: norex1234 If you want to bid from Silver Server make sure to mention that when bidding.
  2. @Phucs you won the auction, please contact me ingame or on discord so we can arrange the trade
  3. Duration: 24h after first bid Start offer: 500k Min Bid: 100k Insta: 2m Accepted payments Coin Capsule = 450k Reroll Ticket = 500k Contact Ingame: Norex Discord: norex1234 If you want to bid from Silver Server make sure to mention that when bidding.
  4. Sounds like you gave it to one of your pokemon as held item by dragging it onto it in your party on the left-side. Did you check for that?
  5. Duration: 24h after first bid Start offer: 400k Min Bid: 100k Insta: 1.2m Accepted payments Coin Capsule = 450k Reroll Ticket = 500k Contact Ingame: Norex Discord: norex1234 If you want to bid from Silver Server make sure to mention that when bidding.
  6. Duration: 24h after first bid Start offer: 1m Min Bid: 100k Insta: 2.5m Accepted payments Coin Capsule = 400k Reroll Ticket = 500k Contact Ingame: Norex Discord: norex1234 If you want to bid from Silver Server make sure to mention that when bidding.
  7. Venonat 70k sold.
  8. bump
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